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Info 1.3 + Snapshot


Ragazzi, oggi con l'uscita della Snapshot sono uscite anche altre informazioni sul vicino rilascio della 1.3.

Le novità della snapshot sono:

Snapshot 12w27a

  • Fixati Bug!
  • Ottimizzazioni!
  • Perfavore, testate i vostri circuiti a pistoni, noi abbiamo testato e la maggior parte vanno bene, ma ci potrebbero essere bug nei ritardi e delay.


Le informazioni sulla 1.3 sono tipo 50 pagine, poichè non potrei tradurvele tutte o finirei domani, vi traduco solo l'ultima parte, in cui è sintetizzato un po' tutto.

"L'intervallo tra la 1.2.5 e la 1.3 è stato il più lungo intervallo di sempre, perchè abbiamo cambiato molto nella dinamica di gioco. Io (Jeb) ero un po' spaventato nel rilasciarla al pubblico, ma aspettare a lungo non è mai una soluzione.


- Changelog:


Confirmed via a weekly build:


  • Improved overall stability and performance
  • Made Singleplayer internally use a Multiplayer server
  • Added optional single-player commands called "Cheats" on non-hardcore worlds
    • Type / and then hit tab to autocomplete & get help on various commands
    • Most commands from MP are available

    [*]Added option to let LAN friends join SP games

    • You can choose which gamemode players join in and whether they are allowed to use cheats - Screenshots

    [*]Added demo mode for non-premium users

    • Lasts 5 game days per world

    [*]Added chat options

    • Change which parts of chat are shown and how opaque it is
    • Toggle chat colors, links being clickable and warning prompts for links
    • Option to rebind the command key, which opens the chat with / in the textfield

    [*]Mobs can now spawn on top slabs and upside down stairs

    [*]Improved F3 mode:

    • Truncated coordinates to 5 fractional digits
    • Removed graphs
    • 3 new values:
      ws: Walking speed
      fs: Flying speed
      g: Boolean value, true when you touch the ground

    [*]Updated language files

    • Added tooltips for all types of Monster Egg blocks and the End Portal Frame
    • Added more descriptive tooltips for different types of tree-related blocks, sandstone and stone bricks
    • Localized server commands
    • Added missing commands-related strings
    • Added missing double chest GUI caption

    [*]Fixed many bugs

    • Fixed texture packs in folders not showing their icon and description
    • Fixed Man-in-the-middle attack allowing hackers to log in as you when you visit their server
    • Fixed the Open texturepack folder button not working on OS X


  • Added Adventure mode
    • Only playable using commands
    • Building, setting things on fire and using buckets is disabled
    • Players can only interact with mobs and the environment

    [*]Added trading

    • Using emerald as currency, villagers will, depending on profession, offer different trades to players
    • As displayed in the top-most part of the trading GUI, villagers take one or items or item stacks and give back something
    • There are three kinds of trades: Selling, buying and enchanting
    • After trading, villagers will sometimes emit purple particles for a few seconds and have new trades available or have ran out of stock on a trade
    • Otherwise unobtainable bottles o' enchanting and chainmail armor can be obtained by trading

    [*]Improved Creative mode inventory

    • Screenshots
    • There are categorized tabs for Building Blocks, Decoration Blocks, Redstone, Transportation, Miscellaneous, Foodstuffs, Tools, Combat, Brewing and Materials
    • Search tab, will automatically be switched to when the chat key is hit
    • Survival inventory tab shows the full inventory and features a 'Destroy item' slot, armor slots including a preview of your character and a 2x2 crafting field
    • Remembers the tab you were on the last time you closed the inventory
    • Items can now be deleted from the hotbar by shift-clicking
    • Added layered snow block, Monster Egg Blocks (Silverfish spawning blocks), Ender Portal frame and all potions

    [*]Improved experience

    • Experience now drops from ores that drop items, drop rate is affected by Silk Touch and Fortune enchantments
    • Taking smelted items out of furnaces gives experience now
    • Destroying mob spawners gives experience now
    • Adjusted experience level progression:
      Levels 1-15 cost 17 XP points each
      Levels 16-30 cost 3 more XP points than the previous (cost = 17 + (level - 15) * 3)
      Levels 31-∞ cost 7 more XP points than the previous (cost = 62 + (level - 30) * 7)

    [*]Improved enchanting

    • The new maximum level with bookshelves is 30, without 8
    • 15 bookshelves are enough to reach level 30
    • The 3rd slot shows the most expensive possible enchantment more often
    • Increased chances for multiple enchantments

    [*]Added writing in books

    • New crafting recipe for books: 3 pieces of paper and one piece of leather in any possible shape
    • New item: Book and Quill - Screenshot
    • Crafting recipe: 1 ink sac, 1 feather and 1 book in any possible shape
    • Right-click to write on & edit up to 50 pages or read
    • Click 'Done' to save the book, 'Sign' to choose a title and finalize the book
    • Written books glow like enchanted items in the inventory and show title and author on the tooltip

    [*]Improved Multiplayer

    • Made entities less likely to glitch through blocks - Comparison: before and after
    • Automagical downloading of standard sized texture packs when joining servers
    • Made server commands more descriptive
    • Sped up chunk loading
    • Added a reason parameter to /ban
    • Added a /seed command for showing the map seed
    • Added a /defaultgamemode command to choose the gamemode new players start in
    • /kick messages can now contain "\n" to force a new line
    • Blocks other players are mining now show cracks
    • /tp can now be used to teleport to specific coordinates
    • Made server list re-orderable: shift+click or shift+arrow keys move selected servers
    • Server list now scans for published single player games (LAN servers) - Screenshot
    • Added hardcore difficulty: Players are banned upon death

    [*]Added many minor things

    • Individual, stackable items on the ground now become one item stack
    • Added shift clicking support to armor slots, brewing stands & enchantment tables
    • Added setting to disable servers offering you texture packs
    • Made the stars smaller and brighter - Screenshot
    • Villagers spawned from spawning eggs will get a random profession now
    • Removed the downwards knockback while drowning
    • Doors being broken by zombies now show their damage

    [*]Improved the Pick Block key

    • You now get the actual block
    • You can now pick paintings, boats, minecarts and mobs, which will give you their spawn eggs
    • Picking huge mushroom blocks now gives mushrooms
    • You can no longer pick portal blocks

    [*]Fixed many bugs

    • Fixed flying slowly in liquids
    • Fixed blocks with the same id but different data/damage values stacking in Creative inventory
    • Fixed boats & minecarts not being one-hit breakable in Creative
    • Fixed raw fish, dyes, saddles, potions, milk buckets and tools depleting in Creative
    • Fixed water destroying non-solid blocks when breaking them from above
    • Fixed Silk touch giving you only one slab from double slabs
    • Fixed redstone updates not propagating through unloaded chunks
    • Fixed arrows scooting up to the top of the block they were shot on in MP
    • Fixed repeaters getting stuck when loading their chunk
    • Fixed endermen not opening their jaws in MP
    • Fixed tools taking damage when breaking insta-breakable blocks
    • Fixed fully charged arrows not showing their particle effect in MP
    • Fixed many sounds not playing in MP
    • Fixed magma cubes' and slimes' jumping animations not showing in MP
    • Fixed thunderstorms not darkening the sky in MP
    • Fixed weather not fading in or out in MP
    • Fixed enchanted armor and tools not glowing to other players
    • Fixed ender pearls and eyes of ender not being aligned in the inventory
    • Fixed explosions not pushing players back in MP
    • Fixed TNT not knocking back players in MP
    • Fixed pistons not pushing back players in MP
    • Fixed the arrow representing players on held maps being offset
    • Fixed being able to duplicate sand and gravel
    • Fixed placing a piston in front of another powered, but not extended one resulting in a piston with the head's texture on all sides
    • Fixed TNT dropping as a ressource on creative mode
    • Fixed being able to duplicate powered rail

World Generation

  • Made sub-biome type mountains like Desert Hills or Ice Mountains taller
  • Made cocoa beans appear on some small jungle trees
  • Added optional starting chest on non-hardcore worlds
    • Screenshot
    • Contents: wooden & stone tools, bread, apples, logs, planks and sticks

    [*]Added large biomes world type, increasing biome sizes immensely

    [*]Added desert-specific villages

    [*]Added desert temples

    • Screenshots
    • Built out of various kinds of sandstone and wool
    • Include hidden chest room and TNT trap, with loot including rotten flesh, bones, iron ingots and gold ingots, diamonds and emeralds

    [*]Added jungle temples

    • Screenshots
    • Built out of various kinds of cobblestone
    • Contain multiple tripwire traps triggering dispensers filled with arrows
    • Loot chests include bones, rotten flesh, gold ingots, iron ingots, diamonds and emeralds

    [*]Added emerald ore

    • Only generates in Extreme Hills biomes
    • Occurs up to 8 times per chunk in veins of 1
    • Generates between layers 4 and 31, inclusive

Blocks & Items

  • Emerald Ore


    • Is used to trade with villagers

    [*]Block of Emerald

    • Screenshot
    • Crafted by putting 9 emeralds on a crafting table

    [*]Ender Chest

    • Screenshot
    • Crafted by surrounding an eye of ender with 8 pieces of obsidian
    • Stores each player's contents across dimensions and all Ender Chests
    • Contents are preserved even if all Ender Chests are destroyed
    • Can't be destoyed by TNT or creepers
    • Emits light and purple particles
    • Unless mined using a Silk Touch-enchanted pickaxe, they drop 8 obsidian

    [*]Tripwire Hook

    • Screenshots &

    • String in between needs to be placed manually
    • Breaking the string triggers a redstone signal, cutting it using shears doesn't
    • Entities like boats, mobs, arrows or players touching the string trigger a redstone signal
    • String can be up to 40 blocks long
    • Crafting recipe: Iron ingot on top of a stick on top of a wooden plank



    • Can be fueled by wooden tools now
    • Return an empty bucket when using lava buckets as fuel now


    • Instead of melting in the nether, it now disappears
    • Can be obtained using Silk Touch-enchanted gear now

    [*]Glass Panes

    • Can be obtained using Silk Touch-enchanted gear now

    [*]Nether portal

    • Leaks into the Overworld now: Depending on difficulty, zombie pigmen rarely spawn in them

    [*]Half slabs

    • Added all wood types
    • Wooden slabs crafted after the update act like wood
    • Will now be top slabs when placed on the upper half of a block's side
    • When placed upside down, rails, pressure plates, levers, doors, torches, redstone torches, repeaters, redstone dust and beds can be placed on them - Redstone dust behaves like on glowstone - It transmits power horizontally and upwards, but not downwards. Redstone torches don't power redstone placed on slabs/stairs above them.


    • Added Sandstone Stairs - Screenshot
    • Added wooden stairs for all kinds of wood - Screenshot
    • Adjusted hitbox - Screenshots
    • When placed upside down, rails, pressure plates, levers, doors, torches, redstone torches, repeaters, redstone dust and beds can be placed on them - Redstone dust behaves like on glowstone - It transmits power horizontally and upwards, but not downwards. Redstone torches don't power redstone placed on slabs/stairs above them.


    • Water slowly drips through them when it's raining


    • Slowly fill up when it's raining


    • Minecarts & boats will now be placed if there's rails/water in place
    • Instead of dispensing buckets, dispensers will now suck in or place water or lava in front of them


    [*]Jungle leaves

    • Have a 1/200 chance to drop a cocoa bean when destroyed now


    [*]Wooden pressure plates

    • Are triggered by arrows now

    [*]Cocoa beans

    • Retextured item - Screenshot
    • Can be planted & grown on jungle wood now
    • Screenshot
    • Can be grown instantly using bone meal


    • Give a full hunger point now

    [*]Empty buckets

    • Stack up to 16 now
    • Stacked buckets work just like stacked glass bottles do

    [*]Golden Apple

    • Has two crafting recipes now, the new one replacing gold nuggets with gold blocks
    • Second tier gives Regeneration IV, Resistance and Fire resistance effects
    • Only second tier glows like enchanted tools


    • Added NBT tags to further customize spawned mobs
    • Only changeable using map editors or mods


    • Are not broken by lilypads anymore, instead they run straight through the lilypad now, breaking and sometimes dropping it
    • Are less glitchy, less likely to break and more responsive now
    • Increased maximum speed
    • When exiting, players will be moved from the boat


    • When on rails, they can be accelerated a bit while sitting in them
    • When exiting, players will be moved from the minecart


  • Pigs
    • Drop 1-3 meat now


    • Reduced spawn rate in superflat maps


    • When suffering from poison potions, they will now spawn more silverfish from nearby silverfish blocks more often

    [*]All hostile mobs

    • Become aggressive towards the last mob or player that hit them now

- Informazioni dalla Mojang:

Minecraft 1.3: The Good

Lots and lots of bug fixes and new features. Players who mainly play in multi-player on servers should enjoy a smoother and more stable experience, as this has been our focus of the development. We’ve looked over the network packets and added encryption to prevent session stealing. Dinnerbone has updated the chatting screen, to allow for easier editing and clickable links.

The single/multi-player merge has added the possibility to share your single-player worlds with friends who are on the same local network. It has also enabled players to use multi-player-like commands in single-player (such as /gamemode and /give), but only if cheats are enabled.

We’ve added emeralds, emerald ore and a trading system that makes it possible to buy items from villagers. Villagers will add and remove items depending on what you buy.

We’ve added the possibility write in books and leave stories for other people.

We’ve added new terrain features, and you can choose to begin the game with a “bonus chest,” to get you started quicker.

We’ve added tripwire, so you can create new traps and contraptions.

We’ve also added new stairs, new half-slabs, cocoa plants and tweaked dispensers, leaves, cauldrons, levers, gravel, pressure plates, cookies, buckets, boats, minecarts, ice, furnaces… Plus you get magic orbs from mining and smelting (and not just killing monsters)!

Minecraft 1.3: The Bad

Since single-player has been turned into a shell on top of a background server, the game’s resource requirements have increased. When playing single-player, the game needs to be able to both simulate and emulate the world, which take many more CPU cycles. We’re working on optimizing rendering, but those improvements will not be included until Minecraft 1.4.

Minecraft 1.3: The Ugly

A couple of problems and expected features have been pushed to Minecraft 1.4. The most notable problem is the lighting issues causing black regions in the terrain. We’re looking into ways to solve this, but lighting is a very expensive calculation and we are struggling with finding a solution that doesn’t hurt framerate.

And the most notable missing feature is the modding API. Throwing out single-player was the first step in order to make the API possible, and that’s done now. We decided to release 1.3 without the API, because otherwise it would be an even longer wait for a Minecraft update.

We’ve also added an extremely basic version of “adventure mode.” We’ll work more on this in future updates.

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Da quanto ho capito i mondi per gli utenti non premium dureranno solo 5 giorni?Giusto?

Si, ma personalmente non ho ben capito come facciano a evitare le copie di minecraft gratis tipo minecraft SP

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Si, ma personalmente non ho ben capito come facciano a evitare le copie di minecraft gratis tipo minecraft SP

le mangianomnomnom :sisi:

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Sono contento. Spero per i bug dei pistoni, sarebbe veramente un massacro per i miei progetti con la redstone... Spero che sia un bug...

Spero anche che finalmente riescano a togliere quella piaga che è minecraft SP, Chi non paga gioca solo in single. :sisi:

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Sono contento. Spero per i bug dei pistoni, sarebbe veramente un massacro per i miei progetti con la redstone... Spero che sia un bug...

Spero anche che finalmente riescano a togliere quella piaga che è minecraft SP, Chi non paga gioca solo in single. :sisi:

Ma neanche in single,chi non paga non dovrebbe giocare proprio.

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Ma neanche in single,chi non paga non dovrebbe giocare proprio.


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Ma neanche in single,chi non paga non dovrebbe giocare proprio, tranne Howl e Grass che possono giocare quanto vogliono


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si, ma la custom è ancora lunga, non la lasciamo prima della 1.3.

cosa faccio, metto tra le regole di riportare MC alla 1.2.5?

e chi si fa uno sbattone simile per una custom? T.T

Don't worry...peggio di me di sicuro non avevamo messo quasi 2 mesi ed ora l'imminente uscita della 1.3 ha bloccato tutto questo? *SADTIME*

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Sono contento. Spero per i bug dei pistoni, sarebbe veramente un massacro per i miei progetti con la redstone... Spero che sia un bug...

No, non è un bug, pultroppo. Da oggi in avanti i pistoni saranno più lenti nell' apertura e nella chiusura. Possiamo dire, probabilmente a T Flip Flop a pistoni, BUD Switch compatti e via discorrendo.

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Ma neanche in single,chi non paga non dovrebbe giocare proprio, tranne Howl e Grass che possono giocare quanto vogliono


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Non avete capito nulla, minecraft SP rimane, aggiungono solo un "minecraft SP Legit", scaricabile dal sito come demo del gioco,e in questa versione passati 5 giorni nel gioco (non 120 ore di gioco, 5 giorni minecraftiani asd) la demo finisce, come la demo per xbox360

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No, non è un bug, pultroppo. Da oggi in avanti i pistoni saranno più lenti nell' apertura e nella chiusura. Possiamo dire, probabilmente a T Flip Flop a pistoni, BUD Switch compatti e via discorrendo.

ti prego dimmi che scherzi : / non possono assolutamente cambiare una cosa cosi fondamentale a questo punto del gioco, già c'è stato l' aggiunta dei smeraldi che mi a abbastanza turbato perchè i mondi che stavo usando non potranno mai "godere" delle piene capacita di minecraft, ma questa cosa dei pistoni mi sembra veramente inutile e fastidiosa

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La cosa che mi ha fatto davvero sbavare è questa e non vedo l'ora!

Players who mainly play in multi-player on servers should enjoy a smoother and more stable experience, as this has been our focus of the development. We’ve looked over the network packets and added encryption to prevent session stealing. Dinnerbone has updated the chatting screen, to allow for easier editing and clickable links.

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Don't worry...peggio di me di sicuro non avevamo messo quasi 2 mesi ed ora l'imminente uscita della 1.3 ha bloccato tutto questo? *SADTIME*

a 'sta custom io e criny ci stiam lavorando dal 2011 headbang.gif

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ti prego dimmi che scherzi : / non possono assolutamente cambiare una cosa cosi fondamentale a questo punto del gioco, già c'è stato l' aggiunta dei smeraldi che mi a abbastanza turbato perchè i mondi che stavo usando non potranno mai "godere" delle piene capacita di minecraft, ma questa cosa dei pistoni mi sembra veramente inutile e fastidiosa

Semplicemente, a detta di Jeb, i pistoni piú lenti faranno buggare di meno *urlo di odio*.

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che poi hanno anche detto che nelle snapshot si potranno vedere miglioramenti e ottimizzazioni mentre nella versione finale (1.3) ci saranno peggioramenti.......... che senso ha? D:

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Ma neanche in single,chi non paga non dovrebbe giocare proprio.

Beh per quelli c'è la versione demo. E la versione alpha sul sito ...

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Beh per quelli c'è la versione demo. E la versione alpha sul sito ...


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Laggava molto meno con la versione 26 , ma quindi per chi nn è preminum non puo giocare più a minecraft?

ovvero non si potranno scaricare MinecraftSP 1.3.0 ??

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ti prego dimmi che scherzi : / non possono assolutamente cambiare una cosa cosi fondamentale a questo punto del gioco, già c'è stato l' aggiunta dei smeraldi che mi a abbastanza turbato perchè i mondi che stavo usando non potranno mai "godere" delle piene capacita di minecraft, ma questa cosa dei pistoni mi sembra veramente inutile e fastidiosa

Ma guarda che non si nota nemmeno la differenza! Ho già guardato ed è uguale, cambia quel micro secondo.

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ma quindi per chi nn è preminum non puo giocare più a minecraft?

ovvero non si potranno scaricare MinecraftSP 1.3.0 ??

no no tranquillo, quello ci sarà sempre :D (almeno così credo)

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