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Tutti i contenuti di AthosX

  1. AthosX

    Bug letto

    Grazie del vostro aiuto, sono riuscito a scoprire la causa del bug e il problema sono le doppie porte. Il gioco considera una delle doppie porte al ''contrario'' cioè la porta a destra se guardate dalla parte che occupa l'inizio del blocco, non so se mi spiego. Ecco lo screen per far capire meglio, è la porta che indico con il puntatore. e per risolverla bisogna dormire con la porta aperta, oppure aspettare che Notch corregga questo bug. A seguito la lista degli altri bugs legati al letto che ho trovato su Minecraft Wiki. You can break blocks while laying on a bed. While sleeping, particles (torches, furnaces, etc.) do not "adjust" to face you, some of them may look flat or even be invisible. Beds placed in fully enclosed areas (on both sides and with only one space above), or beds placed with no ground even with the block under the bed on either side (with only one space above), can cause you to wake up inside a wall, killing you and potentially destroying your items. This is due to player placement when you wake: if the game cannot place you on the ground level with the block below the bed on either the left or right side, it will place you on top of the bed. If there's only 1 block height above the bed, your head will become stuck in the ceiling, killing you. Beds cannot be placed on snow. Beds being broken appear to get brighter. You can sleep while in a minecart or a boat. You still move with the minecart or boat but you may lose air when sleeping in a boat in water. You can sleep during a thunderstorm, even during the day. If you walk very far away from your bed and then die, you do not re-spawn at your bed and instead spawn at your original spawn point, receiving the message "Your home bed was missing or obstructed". This is probably due to the fact that the chunk has been unloaded. If you break your bed while in it, you will wake up with an "oomph" sound and when you touch walls 2 blocks high, your screen changes texture and you take little damage, but if you touch a 1 block high wall you'll get pushed back as if you where pushing a mob. Monsters spawn in your house if you go to sleep in a bed placed against the wall. This only works if the wall next to the bed is 1 block thick, and if the wall has ground level with the bed. Making the wall of your house 2 blocks thick or placing your bed where it is not against any walls will stop monsters from spawning inside. Monsters spawn in your house if you go to sleep inside a room with a double-door that leads to the outside. This is caused by the second door placed being inverted, and the game thinks there is no door at all there. This can be fixed by having the inverted door open when going to sleep. If a player tries to sleep in a bed next to one or more other beds in multiplayer, and someone is sleeping in one of the beds next to it, the player will often get the message "Bed is occupied".
  2. AthosX

    Salve a tutti

    Grazie del vostro caloroso benvenuto xD
  3. AthosX

    Bug letto

    Non ne conosco il motivo ma ogni volta che vado a dormire nel singleplayer nel mio nuovo mondo anche se lascio le porte chiuse appena mi sveglio trovo dei mostri accanto, cosa che rende il letto totalmente inutile, sapete le cause?
  4. AthosX

    Salve a tutti

    Mi presento sono AthosX, mi piace molto Minecraft, ma gioco anche a Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed, e i vari GTA tipo SA:MP e il multiplayer del quarto (espansioni comprese) Da tempo frequento questo forum ma solo per cercare ip di server o news sulle varie patch, e così ho pensato di iscrivermi.
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