Bonfi96 5 Inviato Marzo 30, 2011 Ragazzi il nuovo update uscirà tra poco da quanto si dice in giro ecco cosa dice Notch riguardo allo sviluppo di MC Someone pointed out to me that most of my blog updates recently were about how I had no time to develop. I thought about it, and realized that I only feel like I have the time to blog when I’m being prevented from doing actual development. So I guess in one sense, the recent lull in updates can be seen as a good thing. :) Hopefully it doesn’t mean I’ve grown tired of blogging..I’ve been able to focus on development a lot the last couple of weeks, and we’re hoping to get the new update out soon. It will include the wolves, the ability to change your spawn point, and a rather ambitious statistics tracking and achievement system. Once that update is out, we’ll spend some time figuring out exactly what to do with the modding, which should result in a nice modding API. Other cool news is that work has started on the mobile version of Minecraft, we landed a merchandise deal with J!NX (pardon the plug), the guys working on Scrolls decided to use Scrum with internal demos each Tuesday, the office renovations are almost complete, and 2 Player Productions reached their goal on kickstarter to make a full-length movie about Mojang! Amazingly, they’re the third highest funded project on kickstarter! In breve, verranno aggiunti : -Lupi -Abilità di cambiare lo spawn (probabilmente in coincidenza col letto) -Cacao (letto sul sito della Mojang) -E' cominciato lo sviluppo per l'applicazione mobile di minecraft Inoltre era particolarmente esaltato per la sua esperienza con dei ricconi :) I feel like James Bond.Or, rather, I feel like a geeky kid who just finished playing James Bond for a few hours and wants to tell all his friends about what happened. Yesterday, a rather spontaneous rich guy dropped by the office to meet and greet, which was fairly awesome. We had a short meeting where everyone said what they did and what we thought about the future and so, and as he left, he invited three of us along to fly to London with his private jet to go to a party where a famous musician was playing. That was even more awesome. I immediately said yes. Then I called my fiancee to make sure it was ok. We arrived at the party at about midnight, where there was a table reserved for us. There were rich people and various hang-arounds everywhere, but the mood was very relaxed and energetic. The music was brilliant, and the entertainment even more so. People got drunk, people smoked on balconies, and we ended up in a hotel suite eating white bread and some kind of peanut butter/gingerbread paste. After catching some very brief sleep in our own hotel rooms (paid for by Mr Rich (thank you, sir! (I wonder if he’s reading my blog..))), we flew back to Stockholm just in time for a meeting with a potential new employee. It’s amazing to realize that there are people who actually do this all the time, flying around in private jets, and having assistants who in turn have their own assistants. As alluring as this lifestyle is, strangely I’m more excited about the fact that the oscilloscope I ordered last week finally arrived and is waiting for me back home. Mi scuso per non aver tradotto ma avrebbe dobuto farlo qualcun'altro :) Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti
Luchino 13 Inviato Marzo 30, 2011 Il cocco :) Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti
Bonfi96 5 Inviato Marzo 30, 2011 Il cocco :) sorry era cacao non cocco XD corretto XD Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti
Luchino 13 Inviato Marzo 31, 2011 Ahahah :) Ok Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti