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portale del nether nel mio server


ola ragazzi,

ho un problema con i portali nether

premessa, cè ne sono 4 per l'accesso al nether tutti distanti fra di loro fra i 100mt e i 500mt

il primo portale è stato costruito in una spiaggia.

il problema è questo:

accedo al nether dal portale vicino a casa mia, entro nel nether faccio le mie cosuccie però quando esco dal nether mi fà sempre tornare al primo portale costruito in spiaggia e non a quello vicino a casa mia.

come mai?

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Perchè i due portali portano sempre allo stesso nel nether e uscendo dal nether ti porta a quello più vicino... Dovresti allontanare un po' quello in spiaggia.

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La fisica dei portali è complicata. Devi anche sapere che un passo nel nether equivale ad otto nell'overworld (la Terra)

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The Nether is proportional to the Overworld in the 1:8 ratio in terms of horizontal distances. By moving 1 block horizontally in the Nether, players have moved the equivalent of 8 blocks on the Overworld. This does not apply on the Y-axis, as the Nether has the full 128 layers and is 1:1. Portals do not "remember" what portal they are linked to in the other world, but instead perform the following whenever a portal is used by a player:

Calculate the destination coordinates based on the entry coordinates by flooring the X- and Z-coordinates (rounding down, not towards zero—an X- or Z-coordinate of -29.5 becomes -30, not -29), then multiplying or dividing them by 8 depending on direction of travel. The Y-coordinate is not modified. This translation can be represented by the following pseudocode:

{X, Y, Z} → {floor(X) ×/÷ 8, Y, floor(Z) ×/÷ 8}

At destination, the game looks for the closest active portal block within a 128-block "radius" (actually, a maximum distance along a horizontal axis) of the player (257 × 257 × 128 tall box volume centered on destination coordinate). An active portal is defined as a portal block that does not have another portal block below it, thus only the 2 lowest portal blocks in the obsidian frame are considered. If one exists, teleport the player to the closest one.

If no active portal blocks exists in the above search region, the game creates one by looking for the closest possible valid position within a 16-block "radius" column (33 × 33 × 128 tall box volume centered on the destination coordinate) that has enough space to spawn a portal and is on solid ground. The game prefers to create the exit portal with the same facing orientation as the entry portal, but will check the other 3 directions as well. Regardless of orientation, the closest valid position is always picked.

And if there are no valid spawn locations within the spawn region above, the game will finally create a portal at the destination coordinate (and clamp the Y-coordinate to between 70 and 118), converting any blocks (including air blocks) in the way into a portal. Such a portal has 4 extra obsidian blocks placed on both sides of the portal to prevent the player from falling.

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