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(progetto)FALLOUT 3 !!!

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sto cercando qualche lupo ma niente....

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sisisi gli hanno aggiunti nella 1.4 :D

ma usi mc edit o semplicemente la creative mod?

perchè se non sbaglio con mc edit puoi scegliere dove far spawnare le creature :asd:

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davvero?? non lo sapevo ! comunque sto lavorando in survival! snza mc edit! troppo scomodo. lo userò per le costruzioni piu grosse

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davvero?? non lo sapevo ! comunque sto lavorando in survival! snza mc edit! troppo scomodo. lo userò per le costruzioni piu grosse

in survival!:asd: ma come fai? usa mc edit per cambiare modalità da survival a creative così è più facile :D

per i mostri devi fare: import e poi cerchi fra i mob disponibili

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grazie mille! te sei uno di quelli che citerò nella mappa:)

cmq non mi serve la creative, uso tool many item con oggetti infiniti e fly mod!

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grazie mille! te sei uno di quelli che citerò nella mappa:)

cmq non mi serve la creative' date=' uso tool many item con oggetti infiniti e fly mod!


GRAZIEEEEE Sonarem!!! :D

(EDIT: allora hai ragione, creative non ti serve a questo punto :asd:)

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che sorpresa? Comunque quante ore ci dedichi alla mappa LOL

Per decidere che animale spawnare, per impostare lo spawn, per fare grandi costruzioni usa:

Single Player Commands

Se vuoi sapere tutti i comandi basta che chiedi :asd:

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GRAZIE MILLEEEEEEEEEE UN + 1!! e verrai citato nella mappa!

però per favore vorrei i comandi!

comunque sto lavorando da solo, quindi un po di tempo ci vuole xD

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ok grazie :ahsisi:

Ecco i comandi che servono a te:

 /spawnmob wolf (per spawnare un cane) poi anche altri animali, per spawnare un uomo scrivi villager
/killnpc (per uccidere i mob)
/setspawn (per settare lo spawn dove sei tu!)

Ed eccone altri:

Normal Commands

achievement - Allows you to list or unlock all achievements

alias {ARGS} - Allows you to assign an alias to one or more words

ascend - Moves you to the next platform above your position

atlantis - Toggles atlantis mode on/off

biome - Tells you what biome you are currently in

bind {COMMANDPARAMS} - Binds a command to a keyboard button.

bindid {ARGS} - Binds a command to a keyboard key using the key id

bring [ENTITY] - Brings the specified entity to you.

cannon [sTRENGTH] - Shoots a primed TNT in the direction you are pointing.

calc - Calculator command

chest - Allow access of chests

clear - Clears the console

clearwater - Toggles water clarity on/off

climb - Allows the player to climb any surface without a ladder

clone [QUANTITY] - Clones the NPC which you are looking at

config - Allows you to set the global configuration file as your current configuration

confusesuicide - Makes mobs attack one another

criticalhit [enable|disable] - Allows you to turn critical hits always on/off

clouds [enable|disable] - Allows you to turn clouds on/off via command

cyclepainting - Cycles through the painting which you are pointing at

damage - Turns player damage on/off

defuse [all] - Defuses any TNT nearby which has been hit, drops 1 tnt in its place

descend - Moves you to the next platform below your position

destroy [all] - Destroys the current item

difficulty - Sets the difficulty to the specified level (0-3)

drops - Turns item drops on/off, having them turned off will make the game run a little bit faster, and also stop your inventory from filling.

dropstore - This command transfers everything in your inventory into a chest that it creates next to you.

duplicate [all] - Duplicates and drops the currently selected item stack

effect - Configures potion effects on the player

enchant - Enchants the currently selected item

enderman pickup [enable|disable] - Enderman command to enable/disable block pickup

explode - Sets off an explosion in your current location.

exterminate - KillNPC with style, kills the NPC you are pointing at

extinguish|ext [all] - Puts out all nearby fire (or all fire)

falldamage - Turns fall damage on/off

feed - Adds the specified quantity to your food bar

firedamage - Turns fire damage on/off

flammable [CATCH] [sPREAD] - Sets the specified block at the flammability level

fly [sPEED] - Allows you to turn flying mode on/off, speed specified your flying speed

flymode - Allows you to specify which flying mode to use

fog [tiny|small|normal|far] - Changes the render distance

freecam - Allows you to freecam around the map

freezecam - Freezes the players camera at the current location

freeze - Freezes mobs so that they cannot move or attack you

gamemode - Changes the World game mode to creative or survival

goto - Goto a waypoint

grow [all] - Grows all saplings/wheat on the map.

hardcore - Configures the world to be in hardcore mode or not

heal - Heals a player the specified number of points

health - Sets the health of a player to pre-defined figures

help [COMMAND] - Gives general help when COMMAND isn't specified, gives specific help when COMMAND is specified. Same as /h

helmet [iTEM] [QTY] [DAMAGE] - Specifies the helmet the player wears

home – Teleport to spawn point

hunger - Sets your hunger level to predefined figures

infiniteitems - Toggles infinite items on/off

instantkill - Instantly kills any NPC you hit

instantmine - Turns instant mining on/off

instantplant [grow] - Instantly plants saplings into the ground, if grow is specified the tree will when instantly grow

item [QUANTITY] [DAMAGE] – Gives player item, if quantity isn’t specified maximum amount of that item. Same as /give and /i

itemdamage - Turn item damage on/off. This means you will never have to repair an item again

itemname - Use this command to discover the itemname and ID of your currently selected item.

itemstack [QUANTITY] - Gives the player the specified quantity of maximum item stacks of the item.

jump - Moves you from where you are to where your mouse is pointing. Note: This command is buggy and may put you in the block you move to.

keepitems - Turn this on and you will keep your items when you die.

kill – Kills the current player

killall - Kills all of the specified entity type, this will destroy ALL entities (paintings, minecarts, etc) unless specified otherwise.

killnpc [all|monster|animal] - Kills all living creatures nearby.

light - Turns permanent lighting on and off

listwaypoints - Lists all waypoints. Same as /l

longerlegs - Makes your legs longer so you can walk up 1 block high

macro - Runs a macro

maxstack [iTEMID|ITEMNAME|all] [sTACKSIZE] - Configures the maximum stack size of that item between 1 and 64.

mobdamage - Mobs cannot give you damage

moveplayer - Moves the player the specified distance (in blocks) in the specified direction, (neswup)

msg - This commands adds a message to the console.

music [play|pause|skip|stop|VOLUME] - Requests a music track to be played, there is a limitation of at MAX 2 tracks per day. Set the volume by specifying VOLUME.

noclip - Turns no clip on/off.

output - This just toggles SPC messages on/off, useful for macros/scripts.

phelp [COMMAND] - Provides help for plugins

platform - Puts a glass square under your feet

plugin - Lists all loaded plugins and also allows you to enable/disable plugins

pos – Gives current player position. Same as /p

ralias - Removes the specified alias

reach - Sets the player reach distance.

refill [all] - Re-stocks your items in your inventory to the maximum ammount

rem - Removes the specified waypoint

removedrops [all] - This command removes item drops from the world.

rename - Allows you rename a command to a new name

repair [all] - Repairs the currently selected item to full health

repeat - Repeats the last used command (useful command to bind)

reset - Resets the player settings

resize [1080p|720p|480p|setdefault [WIDTH]|] - Resizes the Minecraft window, no arguments sets it to default

reskin - Reskins the NPC which you are pointing at to the specified skin

return - Moves the player to the last position before teleport

ride - Allows you to ride any NPC which you point at

sc - Added scripting support (more information coming soon)

search - Allows you to search for items using a name

set - Mark a waypoint on the world

setjump [JUMP|reset] - Sets the height that you jump. Note: Turns fall damage off if the jump is configured to move than 1.

setspawn [] – Set the current position as the spawn point, if X Y Z are specified sets that position as spawn point

setspeed [sPEED|reset] - Sets the speed that the player moves

skin - Change your players skin to ANY minecraft player

slippery [sLIPPERYNESS] - Makes the specified block slippery, default is 0.6

spawn [QTY] - Allows you to spawn an individual creature.

spawner - Changes the mob spawner the player is pointing at

spawnportal - Spawns a portal nearby the player

spawnstack - Spawns the specified creature a few blocks away from your current position (use "/spawn list" to get a list of creature names and codes).

sprinting [enable|disable] - Turns sprinting always on

stackcombine - When run combines all of the same stack types into the same stack

stacklimit - Turns stack limiting on/off

startup {ARGS} - Specifies a command to run on startup

superheat [all] - Turns items which are furnace-able into their furnaced form

superpunch [DISTANCE|reset] - Hit that NPC with a punch like no other

tele - Teleport to X Y Z coordinates. Same as /t

textcolor < <0-f|random>>| - Allows you to configure output text colors

time [set|get|day|night [minute|hour|day [TIME]]|speed SPEED] - Set and get the time within minecraft.

timeschedule > - Sets a period of time (HH:MM format), this will make minecraft always within this time.

unbind - Unbinds the specified key from a command.

unbindid - Unbinds a command from a keyboard key using the key id

update - Turns update checking on/off

useportal - Instantly transfers you to the nether, use it again to go back.

waterdamage - Turns water damage on/off

weather - Toggles weather on/off

world - Allows you to explicitly, have control over your world.

world load - Loads the specified FILE, this allows you to play ANY save on your computer, not just World1-5, and can have any name

world save - Explicitly saves your game then returns to it

world seed [sEED] - Allows you to see and change the seed of the map, so it will generate custom terrain

world new [FILENAME] [sEED] - Creates a new map at the specified location

world exit - Lets you exit a game without saving (perfect from when a creeper blows something up)

world list - Lists all the saves which you can load from ".minecraft/saves"

world backup - Allows you to backup your current world into .minecraft/backup

xp - XP (player experience) related commands

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grazie! però non mi fa spawnare gli npc.............

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hmm stai giocando in modalità peaceful? Perché se vuoi spawnare un mob ad esempio un creeper non appare.

Scrivi così aprendo la chat con "T" /spawnmob wolf per un uomo /spawnmob villager poi dai Invio

Vedi se ti funziona

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nono ma mod non servirà...... stai tranquillo.

comunque non parte lo stesso. solo quella dell' umano, le altre si!

adesso carico gli screen di megaton :ahsisi:

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adesso carico gli screen di megaton :asd:

non vedo l'ora! :ahsisi:

ok grazie :sisi:

Ecco i comandi che servono a te:

 /spawnmob wolf (per spawnare un cane) poi anche altri animali, per spawnare un uomo scrivi villager
/killnpc (per uccidere i mob)
/setspawn (per settare lo spawn dove sei tu!)

Ed eccone altri:

Normal Commands

achievement - Allows you to list or unlock all achievements

alias {ARGS} - Allows you to assign an alias to one or more words

ascend - Moves you to the next platform above your position

atlantis - Toggles atlantis mode on/off

biome - Tells you what biome you are currently in

bind {COMMANDPARAMS} - Binds a command to a keyboard button.

bindid {ARGS} - Binds a command to a keyboard key using the key id

bring [ENTITY] - Brings the specified entity to you.

cannon [sTRENGTH] - Shoots a primed TNT in the direction you are pointing.

calc - Calculator command

chest - Allow access of chests

clear - Clears the console

clearwater - Toggles water clarity on/off

climb - Allows the player to climb any surface without a ladder

clone [QUANTITY] - Clones the NPC which you are looking at

config - Allows you to set the global configuration file as your current configuration

confusesuicide - Makes mobs attack one another

criticalhit [enable|disable] - Allows you to turn critical hits always on/off

clouds [enable|disable] - Allows you to turn clouds on/off via command

cyclepainting - Cycles through the painting which you are pointing at

damage - Turns player damage on/off

defuse [all] - Defuses any TNT nearby which has been hit' date=' drops 1 tnt in its place

descend - Moves you to the next platform below your position

destroy [all'] - Destroys the current item

difficulty - Sets the difficulty to the specified level (0-3)

drops - Turns item drops on/off, having them turned off will make the game run a little bit faster, and also stop your inventory from filling.

dropstore - This command transfers everything in your inventory into a chest that it creates next to you.

duplicate [all] - Duplicates and drops the currently selected item stack

effect - Configures potion effects on the player

enchant - Enchants the currently selected item

enderman pickup [enable|disable] - Enderman command to enable/disable block pickup

explode - Sets off an explosion in your current location.

exterminate - KillNPC with style, kills the NPC you are pointing at

extinguish|ext [all] - Puts out all nearby fire (or all fire)

falldamage - Turns fall damage on/off

feed - Adds the specified quantity to your food bar

firedamage - Turns fire damage on/off

flammable [CATCH] [sPREAD] - Sets the specified block at the flammability level

fly [sPEED] - Allows you to turn flying mode on/off, speed specified your flying speed

flymode - Allows you to specify which flying mode to use

fog [tiny|small|normal|far] - Changes the render distance

freecam - Allows you to freecam around the map

freezecam - Freezes the players camera at the current location

freeze - Freezes mobs so that they cannot move or attack you

gamemode - Changes the World game mode to creative or survival

goto - Goto a waypoint

grow [all] - Grows all saplings/wheat on the map.

hardcore - Configures the world to be in hardcore mode or not

heal - Heals a player the specified number of points

health - Sets the health of a player to pre-defined figures

help [COMMAND] - Gives general help when COMMAND isn't specified, gives specific help when COMMAND is specified. Same as /h

helmet [iTEM] [QTY] [DAMAGE] - Specifies the helmet the player wears

home – Teleport to spawn point

hunger - Sets your hunger level to predefined figures

infiniteitems - Toggles infinite items on/off

instantkill - Instantly kills any NPC you hit

instantmine - Turns instant mining on/off

instantplant [grow] - Instantly plants saplings into the ground, if grow is specified the tree will when instantly grow

item [QUANTITY] [DAMAGE] – Gives player item, if quantity isn’t specified maximum amount of that item. Same as /give and /i

itemdamage - Turn item damage on/off. This means you will never have to repair an item again

itemname - Use this command to discover the itemname and ID of your currently selected item.

itemstack [QUANTITY] - Gives the player the specified quantity of maximum item stacks of the item.

jump - Moves you from where you are to where your mouse is pointing. Note: This command is buggy and may put you in the block you move to.

keepitems - Turn this on and you will keep your items when you die.

kill – Kills the current player

killall - Kills all of the specified entity type, this will destroy ALL entities (paintings, minecarts, etc) unless specified otherwise.

killnpc [all|monster|animal] - Kills all living creatures nearby.

light - Turns permanent lighting on and off

listwaypoints - Lists all waypoints. Same as /l

longerlegs - Makes your legs longer so you can walk up 1 block high

macro - Runs a macro

maxstack [iTEMID|ITEMNAME|all] [sTACKSIZE] - Configures the maximum stack size of that item between 1 and 64.

mobdamage - Mobs cannot give you damage

moveplayer - Moves the player the specified distance (in blocks) in the specified direction, (neswup)

msg - This commands adds a message to the console.

music [play|pause|skip|stop|VOLUME] - Requests a music track to be played, there is a limitation of at MAX 2 tracks per day. Set the volume by specifying VOLUME.

noclip - Turns no clip on/off.

output - This just toggles SPC messages on/off, useful for macros/scripts.

phelp [COMMAND] - Provides help for plugins

platform - Puts a glass square under your feet

plugin - Lists all loaded plugins and also allows you to enable/disable plugins

pos – Gives current player position. Same as /p

ralias - Removes the specified alias

reach - Sets the player reach distance.

refill [all] - Re-stocks your items in your inventory to the maximum ammount

rem - Removes the specified waypoint

removedrops [all] - This command removes item drops from the world.

rename - Allows you rename a command to a new name

repair [all] - Repairs the currently selected item to full health

repeat - Repeats the last used command (useful command to bind)

reset - Resets the player settings

resize [1080p|720p|480p|setdefault [WIDTH]|] - Resizes the Minecraft window, no arguments sets it to default

reskin - Reskins the NPC which you are pointing at to the specified skin

return - Moves the player to the last position before teleport

ride - Allows you to ride any NPC which you point at

sc - Added scripting support (more information coming soon)

search - Allows you to search for items using a name

set - Mark a waypoint on the world

setjump [JUMP|reset] - Sets the height that you jump. Note: Turns fall damage off if the jump is configured to move than 1.

setspawn [] – Set the current position as the spawn point, if X Y Z are specified sets that position as spawn point

setspeed [sPEED|reset] - Sets the speed that the player moves

skin - Change your players skin to ANY minecraft player

slippery [sLIPPERYNESS] - Makes the specified block slippery, default is 0.6

spawn [QTY] - Allows you to spawn an individual creature.

spawner - Changes the mob spawner the player is pointing at

spawnportal - Spawns a portal nearby the player

spawnstack - Spawns the specified creature a few blocks away from your current position (use "/spawn list" to get a list of creature names and codes).

sprinting [enable|disable] - Turns sprinting always on

stackcombine - When run combines all of the same stack types into the same stack

stacklimit - Turns stack limiting on/off

startup {ARGS} - Specifies a command to run on startup

superheat [all] - Turns items which are furnace-able into their furnaced form

superpunch [DISTANCE|reset] - Hit that NPC with a punch like no other

tele - Teleport to X Y Z coordinates. Same as /t

textcolor < <0-f|random>>| - Allows you to configure output text colors

time [set|get|day|night [minute|hour|day [TIME]]|speed SPEED] - Set and get the time within minecraft.

timeschedule > - Sets a period of time (HH:MM format), this will make minecraft always within this time.

unbind - Unbinds the specified key from a command.

unbindid - Unbinds a command from a keyboard key using the key id

update - Turns update checking on/off

useportal - Instantly transfers you to the nether, use it again to go back.

waterdamage - Turns water damage on/off

weather - Toggles weather on/off

world - Allows you to explicitly, have control over your world.

world load - Loads the specified FILE, this allows you to play ANY save on your computer, not just World1-5, and can have any name

world save - Explicitly saves your game then returns to it

world seed [sEED] - Allows you to see and change the seed of the map, so it will generate custom terrain

world new [FILENAME] [sEED] - Creates a new map at the specified location

world exit - Lets you exit a game without saving (perfect from when a creeper blows something up)

world list - Lists all the saves which you can load from ".minecraft/saves"

world backup - Allows you to backup your current world into .minecraft/backup

xp - XP (player experience) related commands

si ma come si mettono? ancora non ho capito :asd:

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ecco a voi MEGATON! ( ancora in fase di costruzione...)

la bomba atomica.....

il labirinto per salvare dogmeat

dogmeat che aspetta di essere salvato.......

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ecco a voi MEGATON! ( ancora in fase di costruzione...)

la bomba atomica.....

il labirinto per salvare dogmeat

dogmeat che aspetta di essere salvato.......


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Molto bello :asd: Ti consiglio di coprire il labirinto :asd:

si forse verrebbe meglio:ahsisi:, speriamo che non ci spawnino i mod dentro!:asd:

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coprirlo in che senso? tipo farlo al chiuso? comunque per la beta sarà cosi.... visto che il palazzo del GNR mi sta tenendo occupato....

finito il GNR uscirà la beta della mappa, per la verisone completa dovete pagarmi 100 euro.. no scherzo :asd:

comunque, per la verisone completa dovrete aspettare la costruzione di rivet city!

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coprirlo in che senso? tipo farlo al chiuso? comunque per la beta sarà cosi.... visto che il palazzo del GNR mi sta tenendo occupato....

finito il GNR uscirà la beta della mappa' date=' per la verisone completa dovete pagarmi 100 euro.. no scherzo :asd:

comunque, per la verisone completa dovrete aspettare la costruzione di rivet city!


si chiuso, così che non si veda il cielo,

ma come ho già detto non ti preoccupare per noi fai le cose con calma, non avere fretta per noi:sisi:

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mi dispiace comunicarvi che il mio computer h avuto dei problemi... ho dovuto farlo riformattare. ho perso tutto. anche la fantastica custom che doveva uscire a breve. mi dispiace a tutti. mi manca il tempo e la voglia per ri-crearla tutta da capo... può darsi che il prossimo anno proverò a ricrearla... bho. non si sa. una cosa è certa, adesso mi metto al lavoro per creare una custom ispirata ad un videogame. suggeritemi voi tra questi:

portal 2

dead space

uncharted 2

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mi dispiace comunicarvi che il mio computer h avuto dei problemi... ho dovuto farlo riformattare. ho perso tutto. anche la fantastica custom che doveva uscire a breve. mi dispiace a tutti. mi manca il tempo e la voglia per ri-crearla tutta da capo... può darsi che il prossimo anno proverò a ricrearla... bho. non si sa. una cosa è certa' date=' adesso mi metto al lavoro per creare una custom ispirata ad un videogame. suggeritemi voi tra questi:

portal 2

dead space

uncharted 2


nooooo fallout era il mio gioco preferito! ;)

mi dispiace tantissimo sonarem! ti capisco, è come cadere nella lava con 64 diamanti xD

coqumque se proprio devo scegliere tra i tre titoli proposti scelgo portal, un gioco che mi è piaciuto veramente molto, uncharted penso che sia troppo difficile da fare e deadspace io non l'ho ancora finito

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