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Problema Bukkit (Urgente)
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Feli cissimo hoappenacreato il mio primo server BUKKIT e come nndetto NON FUNZIONA!!! Mi potete dire dei problemi che potrebbero esserci che potrei risolvere?
tutto quallo chevi posso dire è che il file .jar mi dice:
10:39 AM [sEVERE] Could not load 'plugins\iOP.jar' in folder 'plugins'
10:39 AM [iNFO] [EpicZones] Loading EpicZones v0.36.1
10:39 AM [iNFO] [CraftBukkitUpToDate] Loading CraftBukkitUpToDate v2.8.5
10:39 AM [iNFO] [bPermissions] Loading bPermissions v2.9.2
10:39 AM [iNFO] [AdminCmd] Loading AdminCmd v6.0.1 (BUILD 01.06.2012 @ 10:41:06)
10:39 AM [iNFO] [Pail] Loading Pail v0.8
10:39 AM [iNFO] [CommandBook] Loading CommandBook v2.1
10:39 AM [iNFO] [Pail] Enabling Pail v0.8
10:39 AM [iNFO] Preparing level "Server figo"
10:39 AM [iNFO] Default game type: 0
10:39 AM [iNFO] Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: -4660437908501603229)
10:39 AM [iNFO] Preparing spawn area: 0%
10:39 AM [iNFO] Preparing spawn area: 69%
10:39 AM [iNFO] Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: -4660437908501603229)
10:39 AM [iNFO] Preparing spawn area: 32%
10:39 AM [iNFO] Preparing start region for level 2 (Seed: -4660437908501603229)
10:39 AM [iNFO] Preparing spawn area: 0%
10:39 AM [iNFO] [EpicZones] Enabling EpicZones v0.36.1
10:39 AM [iNFO] [EpicZones] Using Bukkit Permissions for permission management.
10:39 AM [iNFO] [EpicZones] Language File Loaded [EN_US.txt].
10:39 AM [iNFO] [EpicZones] Loaded GLOBAL Zone [server figo]
10:39 AM [iNFO] [EpicZones] Loaded GLOBAL Zone [server figo_nether]
10:39 AM [iNFO] [EpicZones] Loaded GLOBAL Zone [server figo_the_end]
10:39 AM [iNFO] [EpicZones] Adding World: server figo
10:39 AM [iNFO] [EpicZones] Adding World: server figo_nether
10:39 AM [iNFO] [EpicZones] Adding World: server figo_the_end
10:39 AM [iNFO] [EpicZones] Spout plugin not detected, unable to enable Spout integration.
10:39 AM [iNFO] [EpicZones] Usage statistics are being kept for this plugin. To opt-out for any reason, check plugins/PluginStats/config.yml
10:39 AM [iNFO] [EpicZones] version 0.36.1 is enabled.
10:39 AM [iNFO] [CraftBukkitUpToDate] Enabling CraftBukkitUpToDate v2.8.5
10:39 AM [iNFO] CraftBukkitUpToDate version 2.8.5 is enabled!
10:39 AM [iNFO] [bPermissions] Enabling bPermissions v2.9.2
10:39 AM [sEVERE] [bPermissions] Please check config.yml to enable offline-mode use
10:39 AM [iNFO] [bPermissions] Disabled
10:39 AM [iNFO] [AdminCmd] Enabling AdminCmd v6.0.1 (BUILD 01.06.2012 @ 10:41:06)
10:39 AM [iNFO] [AdminCmd] Plugin Enabled. (version 6.0.1 (BUILD 01.06.2012 @ 10:41:06))
10:39 AM [iNFO] CButD: CraftBukkit is up to Date
10:39 AM [iNFO] [AdminCmd] motd.txt loaded
10:39 AM [iNFO] [AdminCmd] motdNewUser.txt loaded
10:39 AM [iNFO] [AdminCmd] news.txt loaded
10:39 AM [iNFO] [AdminCmd] rules.txt loaded
10:39 AM [iNFO] [AdminCmd] Successfully linked with bPermissions.
10:39 AM [iNFO] [CommandBook] Enabling CommandBook v2.1
10:39 AM [iNFO] [CommandBook] Maximum wrapper compatibility is enabled. Some features have been disabled to be compatible with poorly written server wrappers.
10:39 AM [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Sessions successfully enabled!
10:39 AM [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Bans successfully enabled!
10:39 AM [WARNING] [CommandBook] Failed to load warps: plugins\CommandBook\homes.csv (Impossibile trovare il file specificato)
10:39 AM [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Homes successfully enabled!
10:39 AM [WARNING] [CommandBook] Failed to load warps: plugins\CommandBook\warps.csv (Impossibile trovare il file specificato)
10:39 AM [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Warps successfully enabled!
10:39 AM [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Messaging successfully enabled!
10:39 AM [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Teleports successfully enabled!
10:39 AM [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Inventory successfully enabled!
10:39 AM [iNFO] [CommandBook] 1 kit(s) loaded.
10:39 AM [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Kits successfully enabled!
10:39 AM [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component JingleNote successfully enabled!
10:39 AM [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Time Control successfully enabled!
10:39 AM [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Name Verification successfully enabled!
10:39 AM [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Fun successfully enabled!
10:39 AM [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Debug successfully enabled!
10:39 AM [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Thor successfully enabled!
10:39 AM [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Online List successfully enabled!
10:39 AM [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Stored Messages successfully enabled!
10:39 AM [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Spawn Locations successfully enabled!
10:39 AM [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Info successfully enabled!
10:39 AM [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component World Tools successfully enabled!
10:39 AM [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Player Commands successfully enabled!
10:39 AM [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component God successfully enabled!
10:39 AM [iNFO] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
10:39 AM [iNFO] Done (11,029s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
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