Xriuk 139 Inviato Ottobre 28, 2012 Allora, riepilogo: - Sono riuscito a risolvere i problemi con i plugin, però resteranno in inglese... - Ho dei seri dubbi, la cosa sta così, dato il poco livello di personalizzazione delle mod, e che spoutcraft permette di modificare impostazioni e permessi dei vari suoi plugin; stavo pensato di usare spout invece del launcher...oppure mi consigliate una mod delle armi personalizzabile (creare armi proprie come nel plugin guns+)... Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti
Xriuk 139 Inviato Ottobre 28, 2012 Si dire che suona bene :D Mi sa che useremo uno SpoutCraft Modificato... Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti
KastyLOVEUOVA 15 Inviato Ottobre 28, 2012 Mi sa che useremo uno SpoutCraft Modificato... Secondo me è meglio rinunciare alla balkon weapons e roba varia ma avere guns+ e granade + perchè sarebbe il primo server italiano così perchè invece con il launcher si toglierebbero i problemi relativi a hack e roba varia ma se ti crea difficoltá è meglio spout che comunque è un ottimo mezzo a mio avviso e soprattuto è più customizzabile del launcher ;D Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti
ƧКƦƔԼԼЄƦՇՐƛƑƬ 519 Inviato Ottobre 28, 2012 Mi sa che useremo uno SpoutCraft Modificato... MMM quindi dedicato con spoutcraft ma ti consiglio di mettere guns in un mondo a parte e fare l'altro factions o towny :) Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti
GieccoPunto 1106 Inviato Ottobre 28, 2012 Allora quando aprirà? Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti
Xriuk 139 Inviato Ottobre 29, 2012 Secondo me è meglio rinunciare alla balkon weapons e roba varia ma avere guns+ e granade + perchè sarebbe il primo server italiano così perchè invece con il launcher si toglierebbero i problemi relativi a hack e roba varia ma se ti crea difficoltá è meglio spout che comunque è un ottimo mezzo a mio avviso e soprattuto è più customizzabile del launcher ;D Ma spout non permette di installare hack...poi potrei personalizzarlo esteticamente, poi per quanto riguarda le armi io ne ho già pronte una trentina che avevo fatto prima... Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti
Xriuk 139 Inviato Ottobre 29, 2012 MMM quindi dedicato con spoutcraft ma ti consiglio di mettere guns in un mondo a parte e fare l'altro factions o towny :) Il mondo sarà towny, ma perché dovrei mettere guns in un mondo diverso? Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti
Xriuk 139 Inviato Ottobre 29, 2012 Allora quando aprirà? Se va TUTTO bene apriamo il 31, male male apriremo con 1 o 2 giorni di ritardo... Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti
GieccoPunto 1106 Inviato Ottobre 29, 2012 Se va TUTTO bene apriamo il 31, male male apriremo con 1 o 2 giorni di ritardo... Ok, però cerca di non triplopostare Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti
ƧКƦƔԼԼЄƦՇՐƛƑƬ 519 Inviato Ottobre 29, 2012 Il mondo sarà towny, ma perché dovrei mettere guns in un mondo diverso? Guns non ti modifica le zappe e ti mette fucili e pistole ? Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti
Xriuk 139 Inviato Ottobre 29, 2012 Guns non ti modifica le zappe e ti mette fucili e pistole ? No, ti mette items a parte... Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti
Xriuk 139 Inviato Ottobre 29, 2012 Ok, però cerca di non triplopostare É che sul telefono non c'é il multiquote... Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti
GieccoPunto 1106 Inviato Ottobre 29, 2012 É che sul telefono non c'é il multiquote... Questo è vero, però puoi cambiare dalla versione mobile a quella originale.. Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti
Xriuk 139 Inviato Ottobre 29, 2012 Questo è vero, però puoi cambiare dalla versione mobile a quella originale.. Ma io ho un telefono scarso, che é grazie se carica la versione mobile... Fine OT Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti
ƧКƦƔԼԼЄƦՇՐƛƑƬ 519 Inviato Ottobre 29, 2012 No, ti mette items a parte... Ok qundi uno va in giro con un fucile ? e le granate? Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti
Xriuk 139 Inviato Ottobre 29, 2012 Ok qundi uno va in giro con un fucile ? e le granate? Anche quelle sono a parte! Non so perchè, però il creatore ha scelto di mettere tutto come sotto id del flint, quindi uno si ritrova un fucile con l'id: 318:1069 Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti
ƧКƦƔԼԼЄƦՇՐƛƑƬ 519 Inviato Ottobre 29, 2012 Anche quelle sono a parte! Non so perchè, però il creatore ha scelto di mettere tutto come sotto id del flint, quindi uno si ritrova un fucile con l'id: 318:1069 e vabbhe pero figo ma ti consiglio di fare due mondi uguali con inventari separati uno con guns e granade e l'altro normale così in quello guns è come un cod e l'altro classico ;) Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti
Xriuk 139 Inviato Ottobre 29, 2012 e vabbhe pero figo ma ti consiglio di fare due mondi uguali con inventari separati uno con guns e granade e l'altro normale così in quello guns è come un cod e l'altro classico ;) Troppo spreco di RAM... Senti, mi potresti aiutare, ho rifatto tutto secondo il tuo consiglio, ma Towny continua a darmi errori dov'è che sbaglio? Server.log: 2012-10-29 15:29:18 [iNFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.3.2 2012-10-29 15:29:18 [iNFO] Loading properties 2012-10-29 15:29:18 [iNFO] Default game type: SURVIVAL 2012-10-29 15:29:18 [iNFO] Generating keypair 2012-10-29 15:29:19 [iNFO] Starting Minecraft server on 2012-10-29 15:29:19 [WARNING] **** SERVER IS RUNNING IN OFFLINE/INSECURE MODE! 2012-10-29 15:29:19 [WARNING] The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware. 2012-10-29 15:29:19 [WARNING] While this makes the game possible to play without internet access, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose. 2012-10-29 15:29:19 [WARNING] To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the server.properties file. 2012-10-29 15:29:19 [iNFO] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Bukkit-1.3.2-R2.0-2-g040961a-b2402jnks (MC: 1.3.2) (Implementing API version 1.3.2-R2.1-SNAPSHOT) 2012-10-29 15:29:19 [WARNING] ----- Bukkit Auto Updater ----- 2012-10-29 15:29:19 [WARNING] Your version of CraftBukkit is out of date. Version 1.3.2-R3.0 (build #2403) was released on Sun Oct 28 01:15:12 CEST 2012. 2012-10-29 15:29:19 [WARNING] Details: /downloads/craftbukkit/view/01479_1.3.2-R3.0/ 2012-10-29 15:29:19 [WARNING] Download: /downloads/craftbukkit/get/01479_1.3.2-R3.0/craftbukkit.jar 2012-10-29 15:29:19 [WARNING] ----- ------------------- ----- 2012-10-29 15:29:19 [iNFO] [PermissionsEx] sql backend registered! 2012-10-29 15:29:19 [iNFO] [PermissionsEx] file backend registered! 2012-10-29 15:29:19 [iNFO] [PermissionsEx] PermissionEx plugin initialized. 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [WorldEdit] Loading WorldEdit v5.3 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [iConomy] Loading iConomy v7.0 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Register] Loading Register v1.8 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Register] Preferred method [null] not found, using first found. 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Register] version 1.8 is enabled. 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Traffic] Loading Traffic v1.1 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Deadbolt] Loading Deadbolt v2.2 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Vault] Loading Vault v1.2.17-b224 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [PermissionsEx] Loading PermissionsEx v1.19.2 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [PermissionsEx] Initializing file backend 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Modifyworld] Loading Modifyworld v1.19 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Questioner] Loading Questioner v0.6 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] Loading WorldGuard v5.5.2 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [AutoAnnouncer] Loading AutoAnnouncer v1.7-03.23 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Essentials] Loading Essentials v2.9.4 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [QuickShop] Loading QuickShop v2.4 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Citizens] Loading Citizens v2.0 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Towny] Loading Towny v0.81.0.0 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [RedstoneEconomySystem] Loading RedstoneEconomySystem v1.0 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [EssentialsSpawn] Loading EssentialsSpawn v2.9.4 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [CraftBookCommon] Loading CraftBookCommon v1176-a2765fe 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [CraftBookCircuits] Loading CraftBookCircuits v1176-a2765fe 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [CraftBookMechanisms] Loading CraftBookMechanisms v1176-a2765fe 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [TownyChat] Loading TownyChat v0.31 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [CraftBookVehicles] Loading CraftBookVehicles v1176-a2765fe 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Vault] Enabling Vault v1.2.17-b224 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy found: Waiting 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [WARNING] iConomy6 - If you are using Flatfile storage be aware that iCo6 has a CRITICAL bug which can wipe ALL iconomy data. 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [WARNING] if you're using Votifier, or any other plugin which handles economy data in a threaded manner your server is at risk! 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [WARNING] it is highly suggested to use SQL with iCo6 or to use an alternative economy plugin! 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Vault][Economy] iConomy 6 found: Waiting 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Vault][Permission] PermissionsEx found: Waiting 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Vault][Permission] SuperPermissions loaded as backup permission system. 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Vault][Chat] PermissionsEx found: Waiting 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Vault] Enabled Version 1.2.17-b224 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] Preparing level "CraftedLife" 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: -2439430811505683195) 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: 7416425222532263162) 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] Preparing start region for level 2 (Seed: 7416425222532263162) 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] Preparing spawn area: 69% 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldEdit] Enabling WorldEdit v5.3 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [iConomy] Enabling iConomy v7.0 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [iConomy - April Fools] Enabled (195 ms) 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [iConomy] Hello, I'm Nijikokun. Yes, this is an April Fools joke, but '/money top' was fixed! Enjoy :) - Rare Version! 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [Vault][Economy] iConomy 6 hooked. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [Register] Enabling Register v1.8 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] Unable to hook register 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [Register] Payment method found (iConomy version: 6) 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [Traffic] Enabling Traffic v1.1 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [Traffic] Found 0 signs 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [Traffic] v. 1.1 enabled! 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [Deadbolt] Enabling Deadbolt v2.2 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [PermissionsEx] Enabling PermissionsEx v1.19.2 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [PermissionsEx] Superperms support enabled. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [PermissionsEx] v1.19.2 enabled 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [Vault][Permission] PermissionsEx hooked. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [Vault][Chat] PermissionsEx_Chat hooked. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [Modifyworld] Enabling Modifyworld v1.19 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [WARNING] [Modifyworld] "Modifyworld v1.19" has registered a listener for org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInventoryEvent on method "public void ru.tehkode.modifyworld.handlers.PlayerListener.onInventoryOpen(org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInventoryEvent)", but the event is Deprecated. "Server performance will be affected"; please notify the authors [t3hk0d3]. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [Modifyworld] Modifyworld enabled! 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [Questioner] Enabling Questioner v0.6 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [Questioner] v0.6 - Enabled 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] Enabling WorldGuard v5.5.2 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] (CraftedLife) TNT ignition is PERMITTED. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] (CraftedLife) Lighters are PERMITTED. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] (CraftedLife) Lava fire is PERMITTED. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] (CraftedLife) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'CraftedLife' 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] (CraftedLife_nether) TNT ignition is PERMITTED. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] (CraftedLife_nether) Lighters are PERMITTED. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] (CraftedLife_nether) Lava fire is PERMITTED. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] (CraftedLife_nether) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'CraftedLife_nether' 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] (CraftedLife_the_end) TNT ignition is PERMITTED. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] (CraftedLife_the_end) Lighters are PERMITTED. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] (CraftedLife_the_end) Lava fire is PERMITTED. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] (CraftedLife_the_end) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'CraftedLife_the_end' 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] 1 regions loaded for 'CraftedLife' 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] 0 regions loaded for 'CraftedLife_nether' 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] 0 regions loaded for 'CraftedLife_the_end' 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [AutoAnnouncer] Enabling AutoAnnouncer v1.7-03.23 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [AutoAnnouncer] Permission support enabled! 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [AutoAnnouncer] Settings Loaded (2 announces). 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [AutoAnnouncer] Scheduled every 5 minutes! 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [AutoAnnouncer] v1.7-03.23 is enabled! 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [AutoAnnouncer] Developed by: [sharkiller] 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [Essentials] Enabling Essentials v2.9.4 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy hooked. 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] Essentials: Using PermissionsEx based permissions. 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [Essentials] Payment method found (Vault - Economy: iConomy 6 version: 1.2.17-b224) 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [QuickShop] Enabling QuickShop v2.4 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [QuickShop] Hooking Vault 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [QuickShop] Starting item scheduler 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [QuickShop] Loading tools 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [QuickShop] Found unlimited 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [QuickShop] Found type column 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [QuickShop] Loading shops from database... 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [QuickShop] Loaded 0 shops. 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [QuickShop] Registering Listeners 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [QuickShop] Metrics started. 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [Citizens] Enabling Citizens v2.0 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [Citizens] Save method set to YamlStorage {file=plugins/Citizens/saves.yml}. 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [Citizens] v2.0 enabled. 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [Towny] Enabling Towny v0.81.0.0 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] ==================== Towny ======================== 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] Failed to load Config! 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [Towny] Database: [Load] flatfile [save] flatfile 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [Towny] Using: PermissionsEX v1.19.2, Register v1.8, Questioner v0.6 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [Towny] Time until a New Day: 20 hours, 30 minutes, 38 seconds 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] ============================================================= 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [Towny] Version: - Mod Enabled 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] ============================================================= 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [RedstoneEconomySystem] Enabling RedstoneEconomySystem v1.0 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [EssentialsSpawn] Enabling EssentialsSpawn v2.9.4 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [CraftBookCommon] Enabling CraftBookCommon v1176-a2765fe 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] CraftBookCommon: Default configuration file written: en_US.txt 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] CraftBookCommon 1176-a2765fe enabled. 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [CraftBookCircuits] Enabling CraftBookCircuits v1176-a2765fe 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] CraftBookCircuits: Default configuration file written: en_US.txt 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] CraftBookCircuits 1176-a2765fe enabled. 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] CraftBook: Enumerating chunks for self-triggered components... 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] CraftBook Circuits: 1875 chunk(s) for 3 world(s) processed (0s elapsed) 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [CraftBookMechanisms] Enabling CraftBookMechanisms v1176-a2765fe 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] CraftBookMechanisms: Default configuration file written: en_US.txt 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] CraftBookMechanisms 1176-a2765fe enabled. 2012-10-29 15:29:23 [iNFO] CraftBook: Enumerating chunks for INSTANCE-triggered components... 2012-10-29 15:29:23 [iNFO] CraftBook: 1875 chunk(s) for 3 world(s) processed (0s elapsed) 2012-10-29 15:29:23 [iNFO] [TownyChat] Enabling TownyChat v0.31 2012-10-29 15:29:23 [sEVERE] Error occurred while enabling TownyChat v0.31 (Is it up to date?) java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The following file couldn't pass on Parser. plugins/Towny/settings/Channels.yml at com.palmergames.bukkit.TownyChat.util.FileMgmt.getFile(Unknown Source) at com.palmergames.bukkit.TownyChat.config.ConfigurationHandler.loadChannels(Unknown Source) at com.palmergames.bukkit.TownyChat.Chat.load(Unknown Source) at com.palmergames.bukkit.TownyChat.Chat.onEnable(Unknown Source) at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:217) at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:374) at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:381) at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:270) at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:252) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.i(MinecraftServer.java:298) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(MinecraftServer.java:277) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:227) at net.minecraft.server.DedicatedServer.init(DedicatedServer.java:140) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:378) at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:539) Caused by: while parsing a block mapping in "<reader>", line 89, column 9: commands: [c] ^ expected <block end>, but found Anchor in "<reader>", line 93, column 33: channeltag: '&f[&2Citta'&f]' ^ at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl$ParseBlockMappingKey.produce(ParserImpl.java:575) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl.peekEvent(ParserImpl.java:161) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl.checkEvent(ParserImpl.java:146) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeMappingNode(Composer.java:230) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeNode(Composer.java:160) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeMappingNode(Composer.java:237) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeNode(Composer.java:160) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeMappingNode(Composer.java:237) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeNode(Composer.java:160) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeDocument(Composer.java:123) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.getSingleNode(Composer.java:106) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.BaseConstructor.getSingleData(BaseConstructor.java:121) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml.loadFromReader(Yaml.java:480) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml.load(Yaml.java:423) ... 15 more 2012-10-29 15:29:23 [iNFO] [CraftBookVehicles] Enabling CraftBookVehicles v1176-a2765fe 2012-10-29 15:29:23 [iNFO] CraftBookVehicles: Default configuration file written: en_US.txt 2012-10-29 15:29:23 [iNFO] CraftBookVehicles 1176-a2765fe enabled. 2012-10-29 15:29:23 [iNFO] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it 2012-10-29 15:29:23 [iNFO] Done (3.114s)! For help, type "help" or "?" 2012-10-29 15:29:23 [iNFO] [Citizens] Loaded 0 NPCs (0 spawned). 2012-10-29 15:29:23 [iNFO] [Citizens] Metrics started. 2012-10-29 15:29:23 [iNFO] [TownyChat] -******* TownyChat enabled *******- 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] CONSOLE: Forcing save.. 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] CONSOLE: Save complete. 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] CONSOLE: Stopping the server.. 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] Stopping server 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [CraftBookVehicles] Disabling CraftBookVehicles v1176-a2765fe 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [TownyChat] Disabling TownyChat v0.31 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [CraftBookMechanisms] Disabling CraftBookMechanisms v1176-a2765fe 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [CraftBookCircuits] Disabling CraftBookCircuits v1176-a2765fe 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [CraftBookCommon] Disabling CraftBookCommon v1176-a2765fe 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [EssentialsSpawn] Disabling EssentialsSpawn v2.9.4 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [RedstoneEconomySystem] Disabling RedstoneEconomySystem v1.0 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Towny] Disabling Towny v0.81.0.0 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] ============================================================== 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Towny] Version: - Mod Disabled 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] ============================================================= 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Citizens] Disabling Citizens v2.0 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Citizens] v2.0 disabled. 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [QuickShop] Disabling QuickShop v2.4 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Essentials] Disabling Essentials v2.9.4 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy unhooked. 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [AutoAnnouncer] Disabling AutoAnnouncer v1.7-03.23 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [AutoAnnouncer] Scheduling finished! 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [AutoAnnouncer] v1.7-03.23 is disabled!. 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] Disabling WorldGuard v5.5.2 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Questioner] Disabling Questioner v0.6 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Questioner] v0.6 - Disabled 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Modifyworld] Disabling Modifyworld v1.19 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Modifyworld] Modifyworld disabled! 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [PermissionsEx] Disabling PermissionsEx v1.19.2 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions. 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Vault][Permission] PermissionsEx un-hooked. 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Vault][Chat] PermissionsEx_Chat un-hooked. 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [PermissionsEx] v1.19.2 disabled successfully. 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Vault] Disabling Vault v1.2.17-b224 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Deadbolt] Disabling Deadbolt v2.2 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Traffic] Disabling Traffic v1.1 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Traffic] v. 1.0 disabled! 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Register] Disabling Register v1.8 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [iConomy] Disabling iConomy v7.0 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [iConomy] Closing general data... 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [iConomy] Disabled. (0 ms) 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [WorldEdit] Disabling WorldEdit v5.3 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] Saving players 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [WARNING] DSCT: Socket closed 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] Saving worlds 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] Closing listening thread 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] Saving chunks for level 'CraftedLife'/Overworld 2012-10-29 15:33:43 [iNFO] Saving chunks for level 'CraftedLife_nether'/Nether 2012-10-29 15:33:43 [iNFO] Saving chunks for level 'CraftedLife_the_end'/The End Config.yml di Towny: version: # This is the current version of Towny. Please do not edit. version: # This is for showing the changelog on updates. Please do not edit. last_run_version: # Minimum required version of CraftBukkit. Please do not edit. bukkit_version: '2222' # If enabled we will not check the CraftBukkit version at startup. bypass_version_check: 'false' # The language file you wish to use language: english.yml ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Permission nodes | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ # Possible permission nodes # # towny.admin: User is able to use /townyadmin, as well as the ability to build/destroy anywhere. User is also able to make towns or nations when set to admin only. # towny.cheat.bypass : User is able to use any fly mods and double block jump (disables towny cheat protection for this user). # towny.top : User can access the command towny top # towny.town.* : User has access to all town permission nodes. # towny.town.new :User is able to create a town # towny.town.delete :User is able to delete their town # towny.town.claim : User is able to expand his town with /town claim # towny.town.plot : User is able to use the /plot commands # towny.town.resident : User is able to join towns upon invite. # towny.town.toggle.*: User can access all town toggle commands (if a mayor or assistant). # towny.town.toggle.pvp # towny.town.toggle.public # towny.town.toggle.explosions # towny.town.toggle.fire # towny.town.toggle.mobs # towny.nation.* : User has access to all town permission nodes. # towny.nation.new :User is able to create a nation # towny.nation.delete :User is able to delete their nation (if king) # towny.nation.rename :User is able to rename their nation (if king/assistant) # towny.nation.grant-titles :User is able to grant titles/surnames to the nation residents (if King) # towny.wild.*: User is able to build/destroy in wild regardless. # towny.wild.build # towny.wild.destroy # towny.wild.switch # towny.wild.item_use # towny.wild.block.[block id].* : User is able to edit [block id] in the wild. # towny.wild.build.[block id] # towny.wild.destroy.[block id] # towny.wild.switch.[block id] # towny.wild.item_use.[block id] # # towny.claimed.* : User can build/destroy/switch/item_use in all towns. # towny.claimed.build : User can build in all towns. # towny.claimed.destroy : User can destroy in all towns. # towny.claimed.switch : User can switch in all towns. # towny.claimed.item_use : User can use use items in all towns. # towny.claimed.alltown.* : User is able to edit specified/all block types in all towns. # towny.claimed.alltown.build.[block id] # towny.claimed.alltown.destroy.[block id] # towny.claimed.alltown.switch.[block id] : User can switch specified/all block types in all towns. # towny.claimed.alltown.item_use.[block id] # towny.claimed.owntown.* : User is able to edit specified/all block types in their own town. # towny.claimed.owntown.build.[block id] # towny.claimed.owntown.destroy.[block id] : (handy to allow clearing of snow '78') # towny.claimed.owntown.switch.[block id] # towny.claimed.owntown.item_use.[block id] # # towny.town.spawn.*: Grants all Spawn travel nodes # towny.town.spawn.town : Ability to spawn to your own town. # towny.town.spawn.nation : Ability to spawn to other towns in your nation. # towny.town.spawn.ally : Ability to spawn to towns in nations allied with yours. # towny.town.spawn.public : Ability to spawn to unaffilated public towns. # # these will be moved to permissions nodes at a later date permissions: town_creation_admin_only: 'true' nation_creation_admin_only: 'true' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Town and Nation levels | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ levels: # default Town levels. town_level: - upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Rovine)' mayorPrefix: 'Esule ' mayorPostfix: '' townBlockLimit: 1 namePrefix: '' numResidents: 0 - upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Insediamento)' mayorPrefix: 'Eremita ' mayorPostfix: '' townBlockLimit: 16 namePrefix: '' numResidents: 1 - upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Borgo)' mayorPrefix: 'Capo ' mayorPostfix: '' townBlockLimit: 32 namePrefix: '' numResidents: 2 - upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Villaggio)' mayorPrefix: 'Barone Von ' mayorPostfix: '' townBlockLimit: 96 namePrefix: '' numResidents: 6 - upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Piccola Cittadina)' mayorPrefix: 'Visconte ' mayorPostfix: '' townBlockLimit: 160 namePrefix: '' numResidents: 10 - upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Cittadina)' mayorPrefix: 'Conte Von ' mayorPostfix: '' townBlockLimit: 224 namePrefix: '' numResidents: 14 - upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Città)' mayorPrefix: 'Duca ' mayorPostfix: '' townBlockLimit: 320 namePrefix: '' numResidents: 20 - upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Grande Città)' mayorPrefix: 'Governatore ' mayorPostfix: '' townBlockLimit: 384 namePrefix: '' numResidents: 24 - upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Metropoli)' mayorPrefix: 'Lord ' mayorPostfix: '' townBlockLimit: 448 namePrefix: '' numResidents: 28 # default Nation levels. nation_level: - capitalPostfix: '' upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Nazione)' kingPrefix: 'Leader ' townBlockLimitBonus: 10 namePrefix: 'Terra di ' numResidents: 0 capitalPrefix: '' kingPostfix: '' - capitalPostfix: '' upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Nazione)' kingPrefix: 'Conte ' townBlockLimitBonus: 20 namePrefix: 'Federazione di ' numResidents: 10 capitalPrefix: '' kingPostfix: '' - capitalPostfix: '' upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Nazione)' kingPrefix: 'Duca ' townBlockLimitBonus: 40 namePrefix: 'Dominio di ' numResidents: 20 capitalPrefix: '' kingPostfix: '' - capitalPostfix: '' upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Nazione)' kingPrefix: 'Re ' townBlockLimitBonus: 60 namePrefix: 'Reame di ' numResidents: 30 capitalPrefix: '' kingPostfix: '' - capitalPostfix: '' upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: '' kingPrefix: 'Imperatore ' townBlockLimitBonus: 100 namePrefix: 'Impero di ' numResidents: 40 capitalPrefix: '' kingPostfix: '' - capitalPostfix: '' upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: '' kingPrefix: 'Emperator ' townBlockLimitBonus: 140 namePrefix: 'Regno di ' numResidents: 60 capitalPrefix: '' kingPostfix: '' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Town Claim/new defaults | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ town: # Default public status of the town (used for /town spawn) default_public: 'true' # Default Open status of the town (are new towns open and joinable by anyone at creation?) default_open: 'false' # Limits the maximum amount of bonus blocks a town can buy. max_purchased_blocks: '0' # maximum number of plots any single resident can own max_plots_per_resident: '100' # Maximum number of towns allowed on the server. town_limit: '2' # Minimum number of plots any towns home plot must be from the next town. # This will prevent someone founding a town right on your doorstep min_distance_from_town_homeblock: '8' # Maximum distance between homblocks. # This will force players to build close together. max_distance_between_homeblocks: '0' # The maximum townblocks available to a town is (numResidents * ratio). # Setting this value to 0 will instead use the level based jump values determined in the town level config. town_block_ratio: '8' # The size of the square grid cell. Changing this value is suggested only when you first install Towny. # Doing so after entering data will shift things unwantedly. Using smaller value will allow higher precision, # at the cost of more work setting up. Also, extremely small values will render the caching done useless. # Each cell is (town_block_size * town_block_size * 128) in size, with 128 being from bedrock to clouds. town_block_size: '16' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Default new world settings | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ # These flags are only used at the initial setp of a new world. # Once Towny is running each world can be altered from within game # using '/townyworld toggle' new_world_settings: pvp: # Set if PVP is enabled in this world world_pvp: 'true' # force_pvp_on is a global flag and overrides any towns flag setting force_pvp_on: 'false' mobs: # world_monsters_on is a global flag setting per world. world_monsters_on: 'true' # force_town_monsters_on is a global flag and overrides any towns flag setting force_town_monsters_on: 'false' explosions: # Allow explosions in this world world_explosions_enabled: 'true' # force_explosions_on is a global flag and overrides any towns flag setting force_explosions_on: 'false' fire: # Allow fire to be lit and spread in this world. world_firespread_enabled: 'true' # force_fire_on is a global flag and overrides any towns flag setting force_fire_on: 'false' # Prevent Endermen from picking up and placing blocks. enderman_protect: 'false' # Disable players trampling crops disable_player_crop_trampling: 'true' # Disable creatures trampling crops disable_creature_crop_trampling: 'false' # World management settings to deal with un/claiming plots plot_management: block_delete: enabled: 'true' # These items will be deleted upon a plot being unclaimed unclaim_delete: 26,50,55,63,64,68,70,71,72,75,76,93,94 mayor_plotblock_delete: enabled: 'true' # These items will be deleted upon a mayor using /plot clear # To disable deleting replace the current entries with NONE. mayor_plot_delete: WALL_SIGN,SIGN_POST revert_on_unclaim: # *** WARNING*** # If this is enabled any town plots which become unclaimed will # slowly be reverted to a snapshot taken before the plot was claimed. # # Regeneration will only work if the plot was # claimed under version 0.76.2, or # later with this feature enabled # # If you allow players to break/build in the wild the snapshot will # include any changes made before the plot was claimed. enabled: 'true' speed: 1s # These block types will NOT be regenerated block_ignore: 14,21,22,41,42,48,50,52,56,57,63,68,89 wild_revert_on_mob_explosion: # Enabling this will slowly regenerate holes created in the # wilderness by monsters exploding. enabled: 'true' entities: Creeper,EnderCrystal,EnderDragon,Fireball,SmallFireball,TNTPrimed delay: 20s ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Global town settings | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ global_town_settings: # can residents/Allies harm other residents when in an area with pvp enabled? Other than an Arena plot. friendly_fire: 'true' # Players within their town or allied towns will regenerate half a heart after every health_regen_speed seconds. health_regen: speed: 3s enable: 'true' # Allow towns to claim outposts (a townblock not connected to town). allow_outposts: 'true' # Allow the use of /town spawn allow_town_spawn: 'true' # Allow regular residents to use /town spawn [town] (TP to other towns if they are public). allow_town_spawn_travel: 'true' # Allow regular residents to use /town spawn [town] to other towns in your nation. allow_town_spawn_travel_nation: 'true' # Allow regular residents to use /town spawn [town] to other towns in a nation allied with your nation. allow_town_spawn_travel_ally: 'true' # If non zero it delays any spawn request by x seconds. teleport_warmup_time: '0' # Respawn the player at his town spawn point when he/she dies town_respawn: 'false' # Town respawn only happens when the player dies in the same world as the town's spawn point. town_respawn_same_world_only: 'false' # Prevent players from using /town spawn while within unclaimed areas and/or enemy/neutral towns. # Allowed options: unclaimed,enemy,neutral prevent_town_spawn_in: enemy # Enables the [~Home] message. # If false it will make it harder for enemies to find the home block during a war show_town_notifications: 'true' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Plugin interfacing | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ plugin: # Valid load and save types are: flatfile, mysql, sqlite, h2. database: database_load: mysql database_save: mysql # SQL database connection details (IF set to use SQL). sql: hostname: localhost port: '3306' dbname: ***** table_prefix: towny_ username: ***** password: '*********************************' # Flatfile backup settings. daily_backups: 'true' backups_are_deleted_after: 90d # Valid entries are: zip, none. flatfile_backup: zip interfacing: tekkit: # Add any fake players for client/server mods (aka Tekkit) here fake_residents: '[industrialCraft],[buildCraft],[Redpower],[Forestry],[Turtle]' # Enable using_essentials if you are using cooldowns in essentials for teleports. using_essentials: 'true' # This will attempt to use Register (if present) # Then it will attempt to access iConomy 5.01 directly # Enable if you have either iConomy 5.01, or Register.jar to # support: iConomy5, iConomy6, EssentialsEco, BOSEconomy. # https://github.com/iConomy/Register/tree/master/dist using_economy: 'true' # Enable using_questioner if you are using questioner to send/receive invites to towns/nations. # See http://code.google.com/a/eclipselabs.org/p/towny/wiki/Questioner for more info. using_questioner: enable: 'true' # The command to accept invitations. accept: accept # The command to refuse invitations. deny: deny # True to attempt to use GroupManager, PEX, bPermissions, Permissions2/3 or BukkitPerms # False to disable permission checks and rely on Towny settings. using_permissions: 'true' day_timer: # The number of hours in each "day". # You can configure for 10 hour days. Default is 24 hours. day_interval: 1d # The time each "day", when taxes will be collected. # MUST be less than day_interval. Default is 12h (midday). new_day_time: 12h # Lots of messages to tell you what's going on in the server with time taken for events. debug_mode: 'false' # Spams the player named in dev_name with all messages related to towny. dev_mode: enable: 'false' dev_name: xriuk # Record all messages to the towny.log logging: 'true' # If true this will cause the log to be wiped at every startup. reset_log_on_boot: 'true' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Filters colour and chat | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ filters_colour_chat: # This is the name given to any NPC assigned mayor. npc_prefix: NPC # Regex fields used in validating inputs. regex: name_filter_regex: '[ /]' name_check_regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9._\[\]-]*$ name_remove_regex: '[^a-zA-Z0-9._\[\]-]' modify_chat: # Maximum length of Town and Nation names. max_name_length: '20' # Maximum length of titles and surnames. max_title_length: '10' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | block/item/mob protection | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ protection: # Items that can be blocked within towns via town/plot flags # 259 - flint and steel # 325 - bucket # 326 - water bucket # 327 - lava bucket # 351 - bone/bonemeal # 368 - ender pearl # 374 - glass bottle # 385 - fire charge item_use_ids: 259,325,326,327,351,368,374,385 # Items which can be blocked or enabled via town/plot flags # 25 - noteblock # 54 - chest # 61 - furnace # 62 - lit furnace # 64 - wooden door # 69 - lever # 70 - stone pressure plate # 71 - iron door # 72 - wooden pressure plate # 77 - stone button # 96 - trap door # 84 - jukebox # 93/94 - redstone repeater switch_ids: 23,25,54,61,62,64,69,70,71,72,77,96,84,93,94,107 # permitted entities http://jd.bukkit.org/apidocs/org/bukkit/entity/package-summary.html # Animals, Chicken, Cow, Creature, Creeper, Flying, Ghast, Giant, Monster, Pig, # PigZombie, Sheep, Skeleton, Slime, Spider, Squid, WaterMob, Wolf, Zombie # Remove living entities within a town's boundaries, if the town has the mob removal flag set. town_mob_removal_entities: Monster,WaterMob,Flying,Slime # Globally remove living entities in all worlds that have their flag set. world_mob_removal_entities: Monster,WaterMob,Flying,Slime # The maximum amount of time a mob could be inside a town's boundaries before being sent to the void. # Lower values will check all entities more often at the risk of heavier burden and resource use. # NEVER set below 1. mob_removal_speed: 5s # Prevent fly and double block jump cheats. cheat_protection: 'false' # The amount of time it takes for a protected block to regenerate. Use zero for no delay. regen_delay: 0s ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Wilderness settings | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ # These Settings defaults only. They are copied to each worlds data files upon first detection # To make changes for each world edit the settings in the relevant worlds data file 'plugins/Towny/data/worlds/' unclaimed: unclaimed_zone_build: 'false' unclaimed_zone_destroy: 'false' unclaimed_zone_item_use: 'false' unclaimed_zone_ignore: 6,14,15,16,17,18,21,31,37,38,39,40,50,56,65,66,73,74,81,82,83,86,89 unclaimed_zone_switch: 'true' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Town Notifications | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ # This is the format for the notifications sent as players move between plots. # Empty a particular format for it to be ignored. # Example: # [notification.format] # ~ [notification.area_[wilderness/town]][notification.splitter][notification.[no_]owner][notification.splitter][notification.plot.format] # ... [notification.plot.format] # ... [notification.plot.homeblock][notification.plot.splitter][notification.plot.forsale][notification.plot.splitter][notification.plot.type] # ~ Wak Town - Lord Jebus - [Home] [For Sale: 50 Beli] [shop] notification: format: '&6 ~ %s' splitter: '&7 - ' area_wilderness: '&2%s' area_town: '&6%s' owner: '&a%s' no_owner: '&a%s' plot: splitter: ' ' format: '%s' homeblock: '&b[Home]' outpostblock: '&b[Outpost]' forsale: '&e[For Sale: %s]' type: '&6[%s]' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Default Town/Plot flags | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ default_perm_flags: # Default permission flags for residents plots within a town # # Can allies/friends/outsiders perform certain actions in the town # # build - place blocks and other items # destroy - break blocks and other items # itemuse - use items such as furnaces (as defined in item_use_ids) # switch - trigger or activate switches (as defined in switch_ids) resident: friend: build: 'true' destroy: 'true' item_use: 'true' switch: 'true' ally: build: 'false' destroy: 'false' item_use: 'false' switch: 'false' outsider: build: 'false' destroy: 'false' item_use: 'false' switch: 'false' # Default permission flags for towns # These are copied into the town data file at creation # # Can allies/outsiders/residents perform certain actions in the town # # build - place blocks and other items # destroy - break blocks and other items # itemuse - use items such as flint and steel or buckets (as defined in item_use_ids) # switch - trigger or activate switches (as defined in switch_ids) town: default: pvp: 'true' fire: 'false' explosion: 'false' mobs: 'false' resident: build: 'false' destroy: 'false' item_use: 'false' switch: 'true' ally: build: 'false' destroy: 'false' item_use: 'false' switch: 'true' outsider: build: 'false' destroy: 'false' item_use: 'false' switch: 'false' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Resident settings | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ resident_settings: # player is flagged as inactive after 1 hour (default) inactive_after_time: 1h # if enabled old residents will be kicked and deleted from a town # after Two months (default) of not logging in delete_old_residents: enable: 'false' deleted_after_time: 60d delete_economy_account: 'true' # The name of the town a resident will automatically join when he first registers. default_town_name: '' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Economy settings | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ economy: spawn_travel: # Cost to use /town spawn price_town_spawn_travel: '0.0' # Cost to use '/town spawn [town]' to another town in your nation. price_town_nation_spawn_travel: '5.0' # Cost to use '/town spawn [town]' to another town in a nation that is allied with your nation. price_town_ally_spawn_travel: '10.0' # Cost to use /town spawn [town] # This is paid to the town you goto. price_town_public_spawn_travel: '10.0' # The daily upkeep to remain neutral during a war. Neutrality will exclude you from a war event, as well as deterring enemies. price_nation_neutrality: '1500.0' new_expand: # How much it costs to start a nation. price_new_nation: '150000.0' # How much it costs to start a town. price_new_town: '100000.0' # How much it costs to make an outpost. An outpost isn't limited to being on the edge of town. price_outpost: '5000.0' # The price for a town to expand one townblock. price_claim_townblock: '500.0' # How much it costs a player to buy extra blocks. price_purchased_bonus_townblock: '100.0' price_death: '1.0' banks: # Maximum amount of money allowed in town bank # Use 0 for no limit town_bank_cap: '0.0' # Set to true to allow withdrawls from town banks town_allow_withdrawls: 'true' # Maximum amount of money allowed in nation bank # Use 0 for no limit nation_bank_cap: '0.0' # Set to true to allow withdrawls from nation banks nation_allow_withdrawls: 'true' daily_taxes: # Enables taxes to be collected daily by town/nation # If a town can't pay it's tax then it is kicked from the nation. # if a resident can't pay his plot tax he loses his plot. # if a resident can't pay his town tax then he is kicked from the town. # if a town or nation fails to pay it's upkeep it is deleted. enabled: 'true' # Maximum tax amount allowed when using flat taxes max_tax_amount: '100.0' # maximum tax percentage allowed when taxing by percentages max_tax_percent: '25' # The server's daily charge on each nation. If a nation fails to pay this upkeep # all of it's member town are kicked and the Nation is removed. price_nation_upkeep: '3000.0' # The server's daily charge on each town. If a town fails to pay this upkeep # all of it's residents are kicked and the town is removed. price_town_upkeep: '1000.0' # Uses total amount of owned plots to determine upkeep instead of the town level (Number of residents) # calculated by (number of claimed plots X price_town_upkeep). town_plotbased_upkeep: 'false' # If enabled and you set a negative upkeep for the town # any funds the town gains via upkeep at a new day # will be shared out between the plot owners. use_plot_payments: 'false' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | War settings | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ war: #This setting allows you disable the ability for a nation to pay to remain neutral during a war. nation_can_be_neutral: 'true' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Economy Transfers During War settings | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ economy: enemy: # Amount charged to place a warflag (payed to server). place_flag: '50' # Amount payed from the flagbearer to the defender after defending the area. defended_attack: '50' # Defending town pays attaking flagbearer. If a negative (attacker pays defending town), # and the attacker can't pay, the attack is canceled. townblock_won: '10' # Same as townblock_won but for the special case of winning the homeblock. homeblock_won: '200' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | War Event settings | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ # This is started with /townyadmnin toggle war # In peace time War spoils are accumulated from towns and nations being # deleted with any money left in the bank. # # These funds are increased during a war event upon a player death. # An additional bonus to the war chest is set in base_spoils. # # During the event a town losing a townblock pays the wartime_town_block_loss_price to the attacking town. # The war is won when the only nations left in the battle are allies, or only a single nation. # # The winning nations share half of the war spoils. # The remaining half is paid to the town which took the most town blocks, and lost the least. event: warning_delay: '30' #If false all towns not in nations can be attacked during a war event. towns_are_neutral: 'true' # If true and the monarch/king dies the nation is removed from the war. remove_on_monarch_death: 'false' # If enabled players will be able to break/place blocks in enemy plots during a war. allow_block_griefing: 'true' # A townblock takes damage every 5 seconds that an enemy is stood in it. block_hp: town_block_hp: '60' home_block_hp: '120' eco: # This amount is new money injected into the economy with a war event. base_spoils: '100.0' # This amount is taken from the losing town for each plot lost. wartime_town_block_loss_price: '100.0' # This amount is taken from the player if they die during the event price_death_wartime: '200.0' points: points_townblock: '1' points_town: '10' points_nation: '100' points_kill: '1' # The minimum height at which a player must stand to count as an attacker. min_height: '60' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Flag war settings | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ enemy: # If false, players won't be able to place war flags, effectively disabling warzones. allow_attacks: 'true' # If true, enemy's can only attack the edge plots of a town with war flags. only_attack_borders: 'true' # This many people must be online in target town in order to place a war flag in their domain. min_players_online_in_town: '10' # This many people must be online in target nation in order to place a war flag in their domain. min_players_online_in_nation: '20' max_active_flags_per_player: '2' flag: waiting_time: 1m # This is the block a player must place to trigger the attack event. base_block: fence # This is the block a player must place to trigger the attack event. light_block: torch beacon: # Must be smaller than half the size of town_block_size. radius: '3' # The range the beacon will be drawn in. It's flexibility is in case the flag is close to the height limit. # If a flag is too close to the height limit (lower than the minimum), it will not be drawn. height_above_flag: min: '3' max: '64' draw: 'true' wireframe_block: glowstone ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Warzone Block Permissions | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ warzone: # List of materaials that can be modified in a warzone. # '*' = Allow all materials. # Prepend a '-' in front of a material to remove it. Used in conjunction with when you use '*'. # Eg: '*,-chest,-furnace' editable_materials: tnt,fence,ladder,wood_door,iron_door,fire item_use: 'true' switch: 'true' # Add '-fire' to editable materials for complete protection when setting is false. This prevents fire to be created and spread. fire: 'true' explosions: 'true' explosions_break_blocks: 'true' # TODO: Blocks will not regen as of yet. Stay tuned for later changes. # Only under affect when explosions_break_blocks is true. explosions_regen_blocks: 'true' ChatConfig.yml di Towny: # The formats below will specify the changes made to the player chat when talking. # These keys can be used in other plugins that modify the chat format like iChat. # {worldname} - Displays the world the player is currently in. # {town} - Displays town name if a member of a town. # {townformatted} - Displays town name (if a member of a town) using tag_format.town. # {towntag} - Displays the formated town tag (if a member of a town) using modify_chat.tag_format.town. # {towntagoverride} - Displays the formated town tag (if a member of a town and present) or falls back to the full name (using modify_chat.tag_format.town). # {nation} - Displays nation name if a member of a nation. # {nationformatted} - Displays nation name (if a member of a nation) using tag_format.town. # {nationtag} - Displays the formated nation tag (if a member of a nation) using modify_chat.tag_format.nation. # {nationtagoverride} - Displays the formated nation tag (if a member of a nation and present) or falls back to the full name (using modify_chat.tag_format.nation). # {townytag} - Displays the formated town/nation tag as specified in modify_chat.tag_format.both. # {townyformatted} - Displays the formated full town/nation names as specified in modify_chat.tag_format.both. # {townytagoverride} - Displays the formated town/nation tag (if present) or falls back to the full names (using modify_chat.tag_format.both). # {title} - Towny resident Title # {surname} - Towny resident surname # {townynameprefix} - Towny name prefix taken from the townLevel/nationLevels # {townynamepostfix} - Towny name postfix taken from the townLevel/nationLevels. # {townyprefix} - Towny resident title, or townynameprefix if no title exists # {townypostfix} - Towny resident surname, or townynamepostfix if no surname exists # {townycolor} - Towny name colour for king/mayor/resident # {group} - Players group name pulled from your permissions plugin # {permprefix} - Permission group prefix # {permsuffix} - Permission group suffix. # {playername} - Default player name. # {modplayername} - Modified player name (use if Towny is over writing some other plugins changes). # {msg} - The message sent. # {channelTag} - Defined in the channels entry in Channels.yml # {msgcolour} - Defined in the channels entry in Channels.yml # Text colouring # -------------- # Black = &0, Navy = &1, Green = &2, Blue = &3, Red = &4 # Purple = &5, Gold = &6, LightGray = &7, Gray = &8 # DarkPurple = &9, LightGreen = &a, LightBlue = &b # Rose = &c, LightPurple = &d, Yellow = &e, White = &f # Spam_time set the minimum time between messages to be flagged as spam spam_time: 0.5 # If using our updated HeroicDeath.jar and craftIRC 3.1 (dev), you can #configure what IRC channels you want death messages relayed to. HeroicDeathToIRC: enabled: true # comma delimited list of craftIRC channel tags 'admin,blah,blah'. craftIRCTags: 'admin' channel_formats: # This is the format which will be used for GLOBAL chat/channels. # This is also the format used when you have modify_chat.enable: true, but use other plugins to handle chat. town: '{channelTag}{townyprefix}{modplayername}{townypostfix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' nation: '{channelTag}{townyprefix}{modplayername}{townypostfix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' default: '{permprefix}{modplayername}{permsuffix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' help: '{channelTag}{permprefix}{modplayername}{permsuffix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' event: '{channelTag}{permprefix}{modplayername}{permsuffix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' tag_formats: world: '&f[&f%s&f] ' town: '&f[&3%s&f] ' nation: '&f[&e%s&f] ' # First %s is the nation tag, second is the town tag. both: '&f[&6%s&f|&3%s&f] ' # Chat colours colour: king: '' mayor: '' resident: '' modify_chat: # This is used for when you don't have another plugin to format chat. # or you want some other plugin to handle open chat, but want Towny formatting. # It will cause Towny to overwrite any other plugins alterations to the format. enable: 'true' # If true the chat formats will be read from below to allow per world formatting. # These can then be altered individually. per_world: 'false' worlds: 'craftedlife_the_end': town: '{channelTag}{townyprefix}{modplayername}{townypostfix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' nation: '{channelTag}{townyprefix}{modplayername}{townypostfix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' default: '{permprefix}{modplayername}{permsuffix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' help: '{channelTag}{permprefix}{modplayername}{permsuffix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' event: '{channelTag}{permprefix}{modplayername}{permsuffix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' 'craftedlife': town: '{channelTag}{townyprefix}{modplayername}{townypostfix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' nation: '{channelTag}{townyprefix}{modplayername}{townypostfix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' default: '{permprefix}{modplayername}{permsuffix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' help: '{channelTag}{permprefix}{modplayername}{permsuffix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' event: '{channelTag}{permprefix}{modplayername}{permsuffix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' 'craftedlife_nether': town: '{channelTag}{townyprefix}{modplayername}{townypostfix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' nation: '{channelTag}{townyprefix}{modplayername}{townypostfix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' default: '{permprefix}{modplayername}{permsuffix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' help: '{channelTag}{permprefix}{modplayername}{permsuffix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' event: '{channelTag}{permprefix}{modplayername}{permsuffix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' Channels.yml: # This file contains all configuration data for channels # The formating for them remains in the Towny Config and world files # so they can still be used on a per world basis. # Channels are toggleable using any of the commands listed # eg. /tc (would put you in town chat) # doing it again would take you out # So long as you had the permission node for that channel. # The channel type is either GLOBAL, TOWN, NATION or DEFAULT. # These specify what chat formating section they will use # and where the chat will go # (town goes to all town residents, depending on the range setting) # channeltag is applied if the chat format for that channel has the {channelTag} # messagecolour sets the colour of the message when sent. # range is a setting which allows greater control over each channel. # this will set the maximum distance between players who can hear the message. # range is in blocks (if set to a limit). # # -1 = no limits # 0 = same world only # any positive value = limited range in the same world. # Text colouring # -------------- # Black = &0, Navy = &1, Green = &2, Blue = &3, Red = &4 # Purple = &5, Gold = &6, LightGray = &7, Gray = &8 # DarkPurple = &9, LightGreen = &a, LightBlue = &b # Rose = &c, LightPurple = &d, Yellow = &e, White = &f Channels: help: commands: [h] type: GLOBAL channeltag: '&f[&cAiuto&f]' messagecolour: '&c' permission: 'towny.chat.help' craftIRCTag: 'admin' range: '-1' town: commands: [c] type: TOWN channeltag: '&f[&2Città&f]' messagecolour: '&2' permission: 'towny.chat.town' craftIRCTag: 'admin' range: '-1' nation: commands: [n] type: NATION channeltag: '&f[&3Nazione&f]' messagecolour: '&3' permission: 'towny.chat.nation' craftIRCTag: 'admin' range: '-1' default: commands: [d] type: DEFAULT channeltag: '' messagecolour: '&f' permission: 'towny.chat.default' craftIRCTag: 'admin' range: '-1' event: commands: [e] type: GLOBAL channeltag: '&f[&aEvento&f]' messagecolour: '&a' permission: 'towny.chat.event' craftIRCTag: 'admin' range: '-1' Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti
ƧКƦƔԼԼЄƦՇՐƛƑƬ 519 Inviato Ottobre 29, 2012 Troppo spreco di RAM... Senti, mi potresti aiutare, ho rifatto tutto secondo il tuo consiglio, ma Towny continua a darmi errori dov'è che sbaglio? Server.log: 2012-10-29 15:29:18 [iNFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.3.2 2012-10-29 15:29:18 [iNFO] Loading properties 2012-10-29 15:29:18 [iNFO] Default game type: SURVIVAL 2012-10-29 15:29:18 [iNFO] Generating keypair 2012-10-29 15:29:19 [iNFO] Starting Minecraft server on 2012-10-29 15:29:19 [WARNING] **** SERVER IS RUNNING IN OFFLINE/INSECURE MODE! 2012-10-29 15:29:19 [WARNING] The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware. 2012-10-29 15:29:19 [WARNING] While this makes the game possible to play without internet access, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose. 2012-10-29 15:29:19 [WARNING] To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the server.properties file. 2012-10-29 15:29:19 [iNFO] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Bukkit-1.3.2-R2.0-2-g040961a-b2402jnks (MC: 1.3.2) (Implementing API version 1.3.2-R2.1-SNAPSHOT) 2012-10-29 15:29:19 [WARNING] ----- Bukkit Auto Updater ----- 2012-10-29 15:29:19 [WARNING] Your version of CraftBukkit is out of date. Version 1.3.2-R3.0 (build #2403) was released on Sun Oct 28 01:15:12 CEST 2012. 2012-10-29 15:29:19 [WARNING] Details: /downloads/craftbukkit/view/01479_1.3.2-R3.0/ 2012-10-29 15:29:19 [WARNING] Download: /downloads/craftbukkit/get/01479_1.3.2-R3.0/craftbukkit.jar 2012-10-29 15:29:19 [WARNING] ----- ------------------- ----- 2012-10-29 15:29:19 [iNFO] [PermissionsEx] sql backend registered! 2012-10-29 15:29:19 [iNFO] [PermissionsEx] file backend registered! 2012-10-29 15:29:19 [iNFO] [PermissionsEx] PermissionEx plugin initialized. 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [WorldEdit] Loading WorldEdit v5.3 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [iConomy] Loading iConomy v7.0 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Register] Loading Register v1.8 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Register] Preferred method [null] not found, using first found. 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Register] version 1.8 is enabled. 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Traffic] Loading Traffic v1.1 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Deadbolt] Loading Deadbolt v2.2 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Vault] Loading Vault v1.2.17-b224 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [PermissionsEx] Loading PermissionsEx v1.19.2 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [PermissionsEx] Initializing file backend 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Modifyworld] Loading Modifyworld v1.19 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Questioner] Loading Questioner v0.6 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] Loading WorldGuard v5.5.2 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [AutoAnnouncer] Loading AutoAnnouncer v1.7-03.23 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Essentials] Loading Essentials v2.9.4 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [QuickShop] Loading QuickShop v2.4 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Citizens] Loading Citizens v2.0 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Towny] Loading Towny v0.81.0.0 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [RedstoneEconomySystem] Loading RedstoneEconomySystem v1.0 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [EssentialsSpawn] Loading EssentialsSpawn v2.9.4 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [CraftBookCommon] Loading CraftBookCommon v1176-a2765fe 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [CraftBookCircuits] Loading CraftBookCircuits v1176-a2765fe 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [CraftBookMechanisms] Loading CraftBookMechanisms v1176-a2765fe 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [TownyChat] Loading TownyChat v0.31 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [CraftBookVehicles] Loading CraftBookVehicles v1176-a2765fe 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Vault] Enabling Vault v1.2.17-b224 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy found: Waiting 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [WARNING] iConomy6 - If you are using Flatfile storage be aware that iCo6 has a CRITICAL bug which can wipe ALL iconomy data. 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [WARNING] if you're using Votifier, or any other plugin which handles economy data in a threaded manner your server is at risk! 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [WARNING] it is highly suggested to use SQL with iCo6 or to use an alternative economy plugin! 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Vault][Economy] iConomy 6 found: Waiting 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Vault][Permission] PermissionsEx found: Waiting 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Vault][Permission] SuperPermissions loaded as backup permission system. 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Vault][Chat] PermissionsEx found: Waiting 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] [Vault] Enabled Version 1.2.17-b224 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] Preparing level "CraftedLife" 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: -2439430811505683195) 2012-10-29 15:29:20 [iNFO] Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: 7416425222532263162) 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] Preparing start region for level 2 (Seed: 7416425222532263162) 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] Preparing spawn area: 69% 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldEdit] Enabling WorldEdit v5.3 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [iConomy] Enabling iConomy v7.0 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [iConomy - April Fools] Enabled (195 ms) 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [iConomy] Hello, I'm Nijikokun. Yes, this is an April Fools joke, but '/money top' was fixed! Enjoy :) - Rare Version! 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [Vault][Economy] iConomy 6 hooked. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [Register] Enabling Register v1.8 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] Unable to hook register 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [Register] Payment method found (iConomy version: 6) 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [Traffic] Enabling Traffic v1.1 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [Traffic] Found 0 signs 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [Traffic] v. 1.1 enabled! 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [Deadbolt] Enabling Deadbolt v2.2 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [PermissionsEx] Enabling PermissionsEx v1.19.2 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [PermissionsEx] Superperms support enabled. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [PermissionsEx] v1.19.2 enabled 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [Vault][Permission] PermissionsEx hooked. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [Vault][Chat] PermissionsEx_Chat hooked. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [Modifyworld] Enabling Modifyworld v1.19 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [WARNING] [Modifyworld] "Modifyworld v1.19" has registered a listener for org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInventoryEvent on method "public void ru.tehkode.modifyworld.handlers.PlayerListener.onInventoryOpen(org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInventoryEvent)", but the event is Deprecated. "Server performance will be affected"; please notify the authors [t3hk0d3]. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [Modifyworld] Modifyworld enabled! 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [Questioner] Enabling Questioner v0.6 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [Questioner] v0.6 - Enabled 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] Enabling WorldGuard v5.5.2 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] (CraftedLife) TNT ignition is PERMITTED. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] (CraftedLife) Lighters are PERMITTED. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] (CraftedLife) Lava fire is PERMITTED. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] (CraftedLife) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'CraftedLife' 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] (CraftedLife_nether) TNT ignition is PERMITTED. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] (CraftedLife_nether) Lighters are PERMITTED. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] (CraftedLife_nether) Lava fire is PERMITTED. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] (CraftedLife_nether) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'CraftedLife_nether' 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] (CraftedLife_the_end) TNT ignition is PERMITTED. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] (CraftedLife_the_end) Lighters are PERMITTED. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] (CraftedLife_the_end) Lava fire is PERMITTED. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] (CraftedLife_the_end) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED. 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'CraftedLife_the_end' 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] 1 regions loaded for 'CraftedLife' 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] 0 regions loaded for 'CraftedLife_nether' 2012-10-29 15:29:21 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] 0 regions loaded for 'CraftedLife_the_end' 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [AutoAnnouncer] Enabling AutoAnnouncer v1.7-03.23 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [AutoAnnouncer] Permission support enabled! 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [AutoAnnouncer] Settings Loaded (2 announces). 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [AutoAnnouncer] Scheduled every 5 minutes! 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [AutoAnnouncer] v1.7-03.23 is enabled! 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [AutoAnnouncer] Developed by: [sharkiller] 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [Essentials] Enabling Essentials v2.9.4 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy hooked. 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] Essentials: Using PermissionsEx based permissions. 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [Essentials] Payment method found (Vault - Economy: iConomy 6 version: 1.2.17-b224) 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [QuickShop] Enabling QuickShop v2.4 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [QuickShop] Hooking Vault 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [QuickShop] Starting item scheduler 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [QuickShop] Loading tools 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [QuickShop] Found unlimited 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [QuickShop] Found type column 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [QuickShop] Loading shops from database... 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [QuickShop] Loaded 0 shops. 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [QuickShop] Registering Listeners 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [QuickShop] Metrics started. 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [Citizens] Enabling Citizens v2.0 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [Citizens] Save method set to YamlStorage {file=plugins/Citizens/saves.yml}. 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [Citizens] v2.0 enabled. 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [Towny] Enabling Towny v0.81.0.0 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] ==================== Towny ======================== 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] Failed to load Config! 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [Towny] Database: [Load] flatfile [save] flatfile 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [Towny] Using: PermissionsEX v1.19.2, Register v1.8, Questioner v0.6 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [Towny] Time until a New Day: 20 hours, 30 minutes, 38 seconds 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] ============================================================= 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [Towny] Version: - Mod Enabled 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] ============================================================= 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [RedstoneEconomySystem] Enabling RedstoneEconomySystem v1.0 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [EssentialsSpawn] Enabling EssentialsSpawn v2.9.4 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [CraftBookCommon] Enabling CraftBookCommon v1176-a2765fe 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] CraftBookCommon: Default configuration file written: en_US.txt 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] CraftBookCommon 1176-a2765fe enabled. 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [CraftBookCircuits] Enabling CraftBookCircuits v1176-a2765fe 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] CraftBookCircuits: Default configuration file written: en_US.txt 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] CraftBookCircuits 1176-a2765fe enabled. 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] CraftBook: Enumerating chunks for self-triggered components... 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] CraftBook Circuits: 1875 chunk(s) for 3 world(s) processed (0s elapsed) 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] [CraftBookMechanisms] Enabling CraftBookMechanisms v1176-a2765fe 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] CraftBookMechanisms: Default configuration file written: en_US.txt 2012-10-29 15:29:22 [iNFO] CraftBookMechanisms 1176-a2765fe enabled. 2012-10-29 15:29:23 [iNFO] CraftBook: Enumerating chunks for INSTANCE-triggered components... 2012-10-29 15:29:23 [iNFO] CraftBook: 1875 chunk(s) for 3 world(s) processed (0s elapsed) 2012-10-29 15:29:23 [iNFO] [TownyChat] Enabling TownyChat v0.31 2012-10-29 15:29:23 [sEVERE] Error occurred while enabling TownyChat v0.31 (Is it up to date?) java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The following file couldn't pass on Parser. plugins/Towny/settings/Channels.yml at com.palmergames.bukkit.TownyChat.util.FileMgmt.getFile(Unknown Source) at com.palmergames.bukkit.TownyChat.config.ConfigurationHandler.loadChannels(Unknown Source) at com.palmergames.bukkit.TownyChat.Chat.load(Unknown Source) at com.palmergames.bukkit.TownyChat.Chat.onEnable(Unknown Source) at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:217) at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:374) at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:381) at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:270) at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:252) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.i(MinecraftServer.java:298) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(MinecraftServer.java:277) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:227) at net.minecraft.server.DedicatedServer.init(DedicatedServer.java:140) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:378) at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:539) Caused by: while parsing a block mapping in "<reader>", line 89, column 9: commands: [c] ^ expected <block end>, but found Anchor in "<reader>", line 93, column 33: channeltag: '&f[&2Citta'&f]' ^ at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl$ParseBlockMappingKey.produce(ParserImpl.java:575) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl.peekEvent(ParserImpl.java:161) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl.checkEvent(ParserImpl.java:146) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeMappingNode(Composer.java:230) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeNode(Composer.java:160) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeMappingNode(Composer.java:237) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeNode(Composer.java:160) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeMappingNode(Composer.java:237) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeNode(Composer.java:160) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeDocument(Composer.java:123) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.getSingleNode(Composer.java:106) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.BaseConstructor.getSingleData(BaseConstructor.java:121) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml.loadFromReader(Yaml.java:480) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml.load(Yaml.java:423) ... 15 more 2012-10-29 15:29:23 [iNFO] [CraftBookVehicles] Enabling CraftBookVehicles v1176-a2765fe 2012-10-29 15:29:23 [iNFO] CraftBookVehicles: Default configuration file written: en_US.txt 2012-10-29 15:29:23 [iNFO] CraftBookVehicles 1176-a2765fe enabled. 2012-10-29 15:29:23 [iNFO] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it 2012-10-29 15:29:23 [iNFO] Done (3.114s)! For help, type "help" or "?" 2012-10-29 15:29:23 [iNFO] [Citizens] Loaded 0 NPCs (0 spawned). 2012-10-29 15:29:23 [iNFO] [Citizens] Metrics started. 2012-10-29 15:29:23 [iNFO] [TownyChat] -******* TownyChat enabled *******- 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] CONSOLE: Forcing save.. 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] CONSOLE: Save complete. 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] CONSOLE: Stopping the server.. 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] Stopping server 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [CraftBookVehicles] Disabling CraftBookVehicles v1176-a2765fe 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [TownyChat] Disabling TownyChat v0.31 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [CraftBookMechanisms] Disabling CraftBookMechanisms v1176-a2765fe 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [CraftBookCircuits] Disabling CraftBookCircuits v1176-a2765fe 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [CraftBookCommon] Disabling CraftBookCommon v1176-a2765fe 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [EssentialsSpawn] Disabling EssentialsSpawn v2.9.4 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [RedstoneEconomySystem] Disabling RedstoneEconomySystem v1.0 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Towny] Disabling Towny v0.81.0.0 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] ============================================================== 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Towny] Version: - Mod Disabled 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] ============================================================= 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Citizens] Disabling Citizens v2.0 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Citizens] v2.0 disabled. 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [QuickShop] Disabling QuickShop v2.4 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Essentials] Disabling Essentials v2.9.4 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy unhooked. 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [AutoAnnouncer] Disabling AutoAnnouncer v1.7-03.23 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [AutoAnnouncer] Scheduling finished! 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [AutoAnnouncer] v1.7-03.23 is disabled!. 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [WorldGuard] Disabling WorldGuard v5.5.2 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Questioner] Disabling Questioner v0.6 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Questioner] v0.6 - Disabled 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Modifyworld] Disabling Modifyworld v1.19 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Modifyworld] Modifyworld disabled! 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [PermissionsEx] Disabling PermissionsEx v1.19.2 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions. 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Vault][Permission] PermissionsEx un-hooked. 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Vault][Chat] PermissionsEx_Chat un-hooked. 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [PermissionsEx] v1.19.2 disabled successfully. 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Vault] Disabling Vault v1.2.17-b224 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Deadbolt] Disabling Deadbolt v2.2 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Traffic] Disabling Traffic v1.1 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Traffic] v. 1.0 disabled! 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [Register] Disabling Register v1.8 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [iConomy] Disabling iConomy v7.0 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [iConomy] Closing general data... 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [iConomy] Disabled. (0 ms) 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] [WorldEdit] Disabling WorldEdit v5.3 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] Saving players 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [WARNING] DSCT: Socket closed 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] Saving worlds 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] Closing listening thread 2012-10-29 15:33:42 [iNFO] Saving chunks for level 'CraftedLife'/Overworld 2012-10-29 15:33:43 [iNFO] Saving chunks for level 'CraftedLife_nether'/Nether 2012-10-29 15:33:43 [iNFO] Saving chunks for level 'CraftedLife_the_end'/The End Config.yml di Towny: version: # This is the current version of Towny. Please do not edit. version: # This is for showing the changelog on updates. Please do not edit. last_run_version: # Minimum required version of CraftBukkit. Please do not edit. bukkit_version: '2222' # If enabled we will not check the CraftBukkit version at startup. bypass_version_check: 'false' # The language file you wish to use language: english.yml ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Permission nodes | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ # Possible permission nodes # # towny.admin: User is able to use /townyadmin, as well as the ability to build/destroy anywhere. User is also able to make towns or nations when set to admin only. # towny.cheat.bypass : User is able to use any fly mods and double block jump (disables towny cheat protection for this user). # towny.top : User can access the command towny top # towny.town.* : User has access to all town permission nodes. # towny.town.new :User is able to create a town # towny.town.delete :User is able to delete their town # towny.town.claim : User is able to expand his town with /town claim # towny.town.plot : User is able to use the /plot commands # towny.town.resident : User is able to join towns upon invite. # towny.town.toggle.*: User can access all town toggle commands (if a mayor or assistant). # towny.town.toggle.pvp # towny.town.toggle.public # towny.town.toggle.explosions # towny.town.toggle.fire # towny.town.toggle.mobs # towny.nation.* : User has access to all town permission nodes. # towny.nation.new :User is able to create a nation # towny.nation.delete :User is able to delete their nation (if king) # towny.nation.rename :User is able to rename their nation (if king/assistant) # towny.nation.grant-titles :User is able to grant titles/surnames to the nation residents (if King) # towny.wild.*: User is able to build/destroy in wild regardless. # towny.wild.build # towny.wild.destroy # towny.wild.switch # towny.wild.item_use # towny.wild.block.[block id].* : User is able to edit [block id] in the wild. # towny.wild.build.[block id] # towny.wild.destroy.[block id] # towny.wild.switch.[block id] # towny.wild.item_use.[block id] # # towny.claimed.* : User can build/destroy/switch/item_use in all towns. # towny.claimed.build : User can build in all towns. # towny.claimed.destroy : User can destroy in all towns. # towny.claimed.switch : User can switch in all towns. # towny.claimed.item_use : User can use use items in all towns. # towny.claimed.alltown.* : User is able to edit specified/all block types in all towns. # towny.claimed.alltown.build.[block id] # towny.claimed.alltown.destroy.[block id] # towny.claimed.alltown.switch.[block id] : User can switch specified/all block types in all towns. # towny.claimed.alltown.item_use.[block id] # towny.claimed.owntown.* : User is able to edit specified/all block types in their own town. # towny.claimed.owntown.build.[block id] # towny.claimed.owntown.destroy.[block id] : (handy to allow clearing of snow '78') # towny.claimed.owntown.switch.[block id] # towny.claimed.owntown.item_use.[block id] # # towny.town.spawn.*: Grants all Spawn travel nodes # towny.town.spawn.town : Ability to spawn to your own town. # towny.town.spawn.nation : Ability to spawn to other towns in your nation. # towny.town.spawn.ally : Ability to spawn to towns in nations allied with yours. # towny.town.spawn.public : Ability to spawn to unaffilated public towns. # # these will be moved to permissions nodes at a later date permissions: town_creation_admin_only: 'true' nation_creation_admin_only: 'true' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Town and Nation levels | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ levels: # default Town levels. town_level: - upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Rovine)' mayorPrefix: 'Esule ' mayorPostfix: '' townBlockLimit: 1 namePrefix: '' numResidents: 0 - upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Insediamento)' mayorPrefix: 'Eremita ' mayorPostfix: '' townBlockLimit: 16 namePrefix: '' numResidents: 1 - upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Borgo)' mayorPrefix: 'Capo ' mayorPostfix: '' townBlockLimit: 32 namePrefix: '' numResidents: 2 - upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Villaggio)' mayorPrefix: 'Barone Von ' mayorPostfix: '' townBlockLimit: 96 namePrefix: '' numResidents: 6 - upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Piccola Cittadina)' mayorPrefix: 'Visconte ' mayorPostfix: '' townBlockLimit: 160 namePrefix: '' numResidents: 10 - upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Cittadina)' mayorPrefix: 'Conte Von ' mayorPostfix: '' townBlockLimit: 224 namePrefix: '' numResidents: 14 - upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Città)' mayorPrefix: 'Duca ' mayorPostfix: '' townBlockLimit: 320 namePrefix: '' numResidents: 20 - upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Grande Città)' mayorPrefix: 'Governatore ' mayorPostfix: '' townBlockLimit: 384 namePrefix: '' numResidents: 24 - upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Metropoli)' mayorPrefix: 'Lord ' mayorPostfix: '' townBlockLimit: 448 namePrefix: '' numResidents: 28 # default Nation levels. nation_level: - capitalPostfix: '' upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Nazione)' kingPrefix: 'Leader ' townBlockLimitBonus: 10 namePrefix: 'Terra di ' numResidents: 0 capitalPrefix: '' kingPostfix: '' - capitalPostfix: '' upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Nazione)' kingPrefix: 'Conte ' townBlockLimitBonus: 20 namePrefix: 'Federazione di ' numResidents: 10 capitalPrefix: '' kingPostfix: '' - capitalPostfix: '' upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Nazione)' kingPrefix: 'Duca ' townBlockLimitBonus: 40 namePrefix: 'Dominio di ' numResidents: 20 capitalPrefix: '' kingPostfix: '' - capitalPostfix: '' upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Nazione)' kingPrefix: 'Re ' townBlockLimitBonus: 60 namePrefix: 'Reame di ' numResidents: 30 capitalPrefix: '' kingPostfix: '' - capitalPostfix: '' upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: '' kingPrefix: 'Imperatore ' townBlockLimitBonus: 100 namePrefix: 'Impero di ' numResidents: 40 capitalPrefix: '' kingPostfix: '' - capitalPostfix: '' upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: '' kingPrefix: 'Emperator ' townBlockLimitBonus: 140 namePrefix: 'Regno di ' numResidents: 60 capitalPrefix: '' kingPostfix: '' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Town Claim/new defaults | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ town: # Default public status of the town (used for /town spawn) default_public: 'true' # Default Open status of the town (are new towns open and joinable by anyone at creation?) default_open: 'false' # Limits the maximum amount of bonus blocks a town can buy. max_purchased_blocks: '0' # maximum number of plots any single resident can own max_plots_per_resident: '100' # Maximum number of towns allowed on the server. town_limit: '2' # Minimum number of plots any towns home plot must be from the next town. # This will prevent someone founding a town right on your doorstep min_distance_from_town_homeblock: '8' # Maximum distance between homblocks. # This will force players to build close together. max_distance_between_homeblocks: '0' # The maximum townblocks available to a town is (numResidents * ratio). # Setting this value to 0 will instead use the level based jump values determined in the town level config. town_block_ratio: '8' # The size of the square grid cell. Changing this value is suggested only when you first install Towny. # Doing so after entering data will shift things unwantedly. Using smaller value will allow higher precision, # at the cost of more work setting up. Also, extremely small values will render the caching done useless. # Each cell is (town_block_size * town_block_size * 128) in size, with 128 being from bedrock to clouds. town_block_size: '16' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Default new world settings | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ # These flags are only used at the initial setp of a new world. # Once Towny is running each world can be altered from within game # using '/townyworld toggle' new_world_settings: pvp: # Set if PVP is enabled in this world world_pvp: 'true' # force_pvp_on is a global flag and overrides any towns flag setting force_pvp_on: 'false' mobs: # world_monsters_on is a global flag setting per world. world_monsters_on: 'true' # force_town_monsters_on is a global flag and overrides any towns flag setting force_town_monsters_on: 'false' explosions: # Allow explosions in this world world_explosions_enabled: 'true' # force_explosions_on is a global flag and overrides any towns flag setting force_explosions_on: 'false' fire: # Allow fire to be lit and spread in this world. world_firespread_enabled: 'true' # force_fire_on is a global flag and overrides any towns flag setting force_fire_on: 'false' # Prevent Endermen from picking up and placing blocks. enderman_protect: 'false' # Disable players trampling crops disable_player_crop_trampling: 'true' # Disable creatures trampling crops disable_creature_crop_trampling: 'false' # World management settings to deal with un/claiming plots plot_management: block_delete: enabled: 'true' # These items will be deleted upon a plot being unclaimed unclaim_delete: 26,50,55,63,64,68,70,71,72,75,76,93,94 mayor_plotblock_delete: enabled: 'true' # These items will be deleted upon a mayor using /plot clear # To disable deleting replace the current entries with NONE. mayor_plot_delete: WALL_SIGN,SIGN_POST revert_on_unclaim: # *** WARNING*** # If this is enabled any town plots which become unclaimed will # slowly be reverted to a snapshot taken before the plot was claimed. # # Regeneration will only work if the plot was # claimed under version 0.76.2, or # later with this feature enabled # # If you allow players to break/build in the wild the snapshot will # include any changes made before the plot was claimed. enabled: 'true' speed: 1s # These block types will NOT be regenerated block_ignore: 14,21,22,41,42,48,50,52,56,57,63,68,89 wild_revert_on_mob_explosion: # Enabling this will slowly regenerate holes created in the # wilderness by monsters exploding. enabled: 'true' entities: Creeper,EnderCrystal,EnderDragon,Fireball,SmallFireball,TNTPrimed delay: 20s ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Global town settings | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ global_town_settings: # can residents/Allies harm other residents when in an area with pvp enabled? Other than an Arena plot. friendly_fire: 'true' # Players within their town or allied towns will regenerate half a heart after every health_regen_speed seconds. health_regen: speed: 3s enable: 'true' # Allow towns to claim outposts (a townblock not connected to town). allow_outposts: 'true' # Allow the use of /town spawn allow_town_spawn: 'true' # Allow regular residents to use /town spawn [town] (TP to other towns if they are public). allow_town_spawn_travel: 'true' # Allow regular residents to use /town spawn [town] to other towns in your nation. allow_town_spawn_travel_nation: 'true' # Allow regular residents to use /town spawn [town] to other towns in a nation allied with your nation. allow_town_spawn_travel_ally: 'true' # If non zero it delays any spawn request by x seconds. teleport_warmup_time: '0' # Respawn the player at his town spawn point when he/she dies town_respawn: 'false' # Town respawn only happens when the player dies in the same world as the town's spawn point. town_respawn_same_world_only: 'false' # Prevent players from using /town spawn while within unclaimed areas and/or enemy/neutral towns. # Allowed options: unclaimed,enemy,neutral prevent_town_spawn_in: enemy # Enables the [~Home] message. # If false it will make it harder for enemies to find the home block during a war show_town_notifications: 'true' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Plugin interfacing | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ plugin: # Valid load and save types are: flatfile, mysql, sqlite, h2. database: database_load: mysql database_save: mysql # SQL database connection details (IF set to use SQL). sql: hostname: localhost port: '3306' dbname: ***** table_prefix: towny_ username: ***** password: '*********************************' # Flatfile backup settings. daily_backups: 'true' backups_are_deleted_after: 90d # Valid entries are: zip, none. flatfile_backup: zip interfacing: tekkit: # Add any fake players for client/server mods (aka Tekkit) here fake_residents: '[industrialCraft],[buildCraft],[Redpower],[Forestry],[Turtle]' # Enable using_essentials if you are using cooldowns in essentials for teleports. using_essentials: 'true' # This will attempt to use Register (if present) # Then it will attempt to access iConomy 5.01 directly # Enable if you have either iConomy 5.01, or Register.jar to # support: iConomy5, iConomy6, EssentialsEco, BOSEconomy. # https://github.com/i...ree/master/dist using_economy: 'true' # Enable using_questioner if you are using questioner to send/receive invites to towns/nations. # See http://code.google.c...wiki/Questioner for more info. using_questioner: enable: 'true' # The command to accept invitations. accept: accept # The command to refuse invitations. deny: deny # True to attempt to use GroupManager, PEX, bPermissions, Permissions2/3 or BukkitPerms # False to disable permission checks and rely on Towny settings. using_permissions: 'true' day_timer: # The number of hours in each "day". # You can configure for 10 hour days. Default is 24 hours. day_interval: 1d # The time each "day", when taxes will be collected. # MUST be less than day_interval. Default is 12h (midday). new_day_time: 12h # Lots of messages to tell you what's going on in the server with time taken for events. debug_mode: 'false' # Spams the player named in dev_name with all messages related to towny. dev_mode: enable: 'false' dev_name: xriuk # Record all messages to the towny.log logging: 'true' # If true this will cause the log to be wiped at every startup. reset_log_on_boot: 'true' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Filters colour and chat | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ filters_colour_chat: # This is the name given to any NPC assigned mayor. npc_prefix: NPC # Regex fields used in validating inputs. regex: name_filter_regex: '[ /]' name_check_regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9._\[\]-]*$ name_remove_regex: '[^a-zA-Z0-9._\[\]-]' modify_chat: # Maximum length of Town and Nation names. max_name_length: '20' # Maximum length of titles and surnames. max_title_length: '10' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | block/item/mob protection | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ protection: # Items that can be blocked within towns via town/plot flags # 259 - flint and steel # 325 - bucket # 326 - water bucket # 327 - lava bucket # 351 - bone/bonemeal # 368 - ender pearl # 374 - glass bottle # 385 - fire charge item_use_ids: 259,325,326,327,351,368,374,385 # Items which can be blocked or enabled via town/plot flags # 25 - noteblock # 54 - chest # 61 - furnace # 62 - lit furnace # 64 - wooden door # 69 - lever # 70 - stone pressure plate # 71 - iron door # 72 - wooden pressure plate # 77 - stone button # 96 - trap door # 84 - jukebox # 93/94 - redstone repeater switch_ids: 23,25,54,61,62,64,69,70,71,72,77,96,84,93,94,107 # permitted entities http://jd.bukkit.org...ge-summary.html # Animals, Chicken, Cow, Creature, Creeper, Flying, Ghast, Giant, Monster, Pig, # PigZombie, Sheep, Skeleton, Slime, Spider, Squid, WaterMob, Wolf, Zombie # Remove living entities within a town's boundaries, if the town has the mob removal flag set. town_mob_removal_entities: Monster,WaterMob,Flying,Slime # Globally remove living entities in all worlds that have their flag set. world_mob_removal_entities: Monster,WaterMob,Flying,Slime # The maximum amount of time a mob could be inside a town's boundaries before being sent to the void. # Lower values will check all entities more often at the risk of heavier burden and resource use. # NEVER set below 1. mob_removal_speed: 5s # Prevent fly and double block jump cheats. cheat_protection: 'false' # The amount of time it takes for a protected block to regenerate. Use zero for no delay. regen_delay: 0s ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Wilderness settings | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ # These Settings defaults only. They are copied to each worlds data files upon first detection # To make changes for each world edit the settings in the relevant worlds data file 'plugins/Towny/data/worlds/' unclaimed: unclaimed_zone_build: 'false' unclaimed_zone_destroy: 'false' unclaimed_zone_item_use: 'false' unclaimed_zone_ignore: 6,14,15,16,17,18,21,31,37,38,39,40,50,56,65,66,73,74,81,82,83,86,89 unclaimed_zone_switch: 'true' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Town Notifications | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ # This is the format for the notifications sent as players move between plots. # Empty a particular format for it to be ignored. # Example: # [notification.format] # ~ [notification.area_[wilderness/town]][notification.splitter][notification.[no_]owner][notification.splitter][notification.plot.format] # ... [notification.plot.format] # ... [notification.plot.homeblock][notification.plot.splitter][notification.plot.forsale][notification.plot.splitter][notification.plot.type] # ~ Wak Town - Lord Jebus - [Home] [For Sale: 50 Beli] [shop] notification: format: '&6 ~ %s' splitter: '&7 - ' area_wilderness: '&2%s' area_town: '&6%s' owner: '&a%s' no_owner: '&a%s' plot: splitter: ' ' format: '%s' homeblock: '&b[Home]' outpostblock: '&b[Outpost]' forsale: '&e[For Sale: %s]' type: '&6[%s]' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Default Town/Plot flags | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ default_perm_flags: # Default permission flags for residents plots within a town # # Can allies/friends/outsiders perform certain actions in the town # # build - place blocks and other items # destroy - break blocks and other items # itemuse - use items such as furnaces (as defined in item_use_ids) # switch - trigger or activate switches (as defined in switch_ids) resident: friend: build: 'true' destroy: 'true' item_use: 'true' switch: 'true' ally: build: 'false' destroy: 'false' item_use: 'false' switch: 'false' outsider: build: 'false' destroy: 'false' item_use: 'false' switch: 'false' # Default permission flags for towns # These are copied into the town data file at creation # # Can allies/outsiders/residents perform certain actions in the town # # build - place blocks and other items # destroy - break blocks and other items # itemuse - use items such as flint and steel or buckets (as defined in item_use_ids) # switch - trigger or activate switches (as defined in switch_ids) town: default: pvp: 'true' fire: 'false' explosion: 'false' mobs: 'false' resident: build: 'false' destroy: 'false' item_use: 'false' switch: 'true' ally: build: 'false' destroy: 'false' item_use: 'false' switch: 'true' outsider: build: 'false' destroy: 'false' item_use: 'false' switch: 'false' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Resident settings | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ resident_settings: # player is flagged as inactive after 1 hour (default) inactive_after_time: 1h # if enabled old residents will be kicked and deleted from a town # after Two months (default) of not logging in delete_old_residents: enable: 'false' deleted_after_time: 60d delete_economy_account: 'true' # The name of the town a resident will automatically join when he first registers. default_town_name: '' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Economy settings | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ economy: spawn_travel: # Cost to use /town spawn price_town_spawn_travel: '0.0' # Cost to use '/town spawn [town]' to another town in your nation. price_town_nation_spawn_travel: '5.0' # Cost to use '/town spawn [town]' to another town in a nation that is allied with your nation. price_town_ally_spawn_travel: '10.0' # Cost to use /town spawn [town] # This is paid to the town you goto. price_town_public_spawn_travel: '10.0' # The daily upkeep to remain neutral during a war. Neutrality will exclude you from a war event, as well as deterring enemies. price_nation_neutrality: '1500.0' new_expand: # How much it costs to start a nation. price_new_nation: '150000.0' # How much it costs to start a town. price_new_town: '100000.0' # How much it costs to make an outpost. An outpost isn't limited to being on the edge of town. price_outpost: '5000.0' # The price for a town to expand one townblock. price_claim_townblock: '500.0' # How much it costs a player to buy extra blocks. price_purchased_bonus_townblock: '100.0' price_death: '1.0' banks: # Maximum amount of money allowed in town bank # Use 0 for no limit town_bank_cap: '0.0' # Set to true to allow withdrawls from town banks town_allow_withdrawls: 'true' # Maximum amount of money allowed in nation bank # Use 0 for no limit nation_bank_cap: '0.0' # Set to true to allow withdrawls from nation banks nation_allow_withdrawls: 'true' daily_taxes: # Enables taxes to be collected daily by town/nation # If a town can't pay it's tax then it is kicked from the nation. # if a resident can't pay his plot tax he loses his plot. # if a resident can't pay his town tax then he is kicked from the town. # if a town or nation fails to pay it's upkeep it is deleted. enabled: 'true' # Maximum tax amount allowed when using flat taxes max_tax_amount: '100.0' # maximum tax percentage allowed when taxing by percentages max_tax_percent: '25' # The server's daily charge on each nation. If a nation fails to pay this upkeep # all of it's member town are kicked and the Nation is removed. price_nation_upkeep: '3000.0' # The server's daily charge on each town. If a town fails to pay this upkeep # all of it's residents are kicked and the town is removed. price_town_upkeep: '1000.0' # Uses total amount of owned plots to determine upkeep instead of the town level (Number of residents) # calculated by (number of claimed plots X price_town_upkeep). town_plotbased_upkeep: 'false' # If enabled and you set a negative upkeep for the town # any funds the town gains via upkeep at a new day # will be shared out between the plot owners. use_plot_payments: 'false' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | War settings | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ war: #This setting allows you disable the ability for a nation to pay to remain neutral during a war. nation_can_be_neutral: 'true' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Economy Transfers During War settings | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ economy: enemy: # Amount charged to place a warflag (payed to server). place_flag: '50' # Amount payed from the flagbearer to the defender after defending the area. defended_attack: '50' # Defending town pays attaking flagbearer. If a negative (attacker pays defending town), # and the attacker can't pay, the attack is canceled. townblock_won: '10' # Same as townblock_won but for the special case of winning the homeblock. homeblock_won: '200' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | War Event settings | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ # This is started with /townyadmnin toggle war # In peace time War spoils are accumulated from towns and nations being # deleted with any money left in the bank. # # These funds are increased during a war event upon a player death. # An additional bonus to the war chest is set in base_spoils. # # During the event a town losing a townblock pays the wartime_town_block_loss_price to the attacking town. # The war is won when the only nations left in the battle are allies, or only a single nation. # # The winning nations share half of the war spoils. # The remaining half is paid to the town which took the most town blocks, and lost the least. event: warning_delay: '30' #If false all towns not in nations can be attacked during a war event. towns_are_neutral: 'true' # If true and the monarch/king dies the nation is removed from the war. remove_on_monarch_death: 'false' # If enabled players will be able to break/place blocks in enemy plots during a war. allow_block_griefing: 'true' # A townblock takes damage every 5 seconds that an enemy is stood in it. block_hp: town_block_hp: '60' home_block_hp: '120' eco: # This amount is new money injected into the economy with a war event. base_spoils: '100.0' # This amount is taken from the losing town for each plot lost. wartime_town_block_loss_price: '100.0' # This amount is taken from the player if they die during the event price_death_wartime: '200.0' points: points_townblock: '1' points_town: '10' points_nation: '100' points_kill: '1' # The minimum height at which a player must stand to count as an attacker. min_height: '60' ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Flag war settings | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ enemy: # If false, players won't be able to place war flags, effectively disabling warzones. allow_attacks: 'true' # If true, enemy's can only attack the edge plots of a town with war flags. only_attack_borders: 'true' # This many people must be online in target town in order to place a war flag in their domain. min_players_online_in_town: '10' # This many people must be online in target nation in order to place a war flag in their domain. min_players_online_in_nation: '20' max_active_flags_per_player: '2' flag: waiting_time: 1m # This is the block a player must place to trigger the attack event. base_block: fence # This is the block a player must place to trigger the attack event. light_block: torch beacon: # Must be smaller than half the size of town_block_size. radius: '3' # The range the beacon will be drawn in. It's flexibility is in case the flag is close to the height limit. # If a flag is too close to the height limit (lower than the minimum), it will not be drawn. height_above_flag: min: '3' max: '64' draw: 'true' wireframe_block: glowstone ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Warzone Block Permissions | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ warzone: # List of materaials that can be modified in a warzone. # '*' = Allow all materials. # Prepend a '-' in front of a material to remove it. Used in conjunction with when you use '*'. # Eg: '*,-chest,-furnace' editable_materials: tnt,fence,ladder,wood_door,iron_door,fire item_use: 'true' switch: 'true' # Add '-fire' to editable materials for complete protection when setting is false. This prevents fire to be created and spread. fire: 'true' explosions: 'true' explosions_break_blocks: 'true' # TODO: Blocks will not regen as of yet. Stay tuned for later changes. # Only under affect when explosions_break_blocks is true. explosions_regen_blocks: 'true' ChatConfig.yml di Towny: # The formats below will specify the changes made to the player chat when talking. # These keys can be used in other plugins that modify the chat format like iChat. # {worldname} - Displays the world the player is currently in. # {town} - Displays town name if a member of a town. # {townformatted} - Displays town name (if a member of a town) using tag_format.town. # {towntag} - Displays the formated town tag (if a member of a town) using modify_chat.tag_format.town. # {towntagoverride} - Displays the formated town tag (if a member of a town and present) or falls back to the full name (using modify_chat.tag_format.town). # {nation} - Displays nation name if a member of a nation. # {nationformatted} - Displays nation name (if a member of a nation) using tag_format.town. # {nationtag} - Displays the formated nation tag (if a member of a nation) using modify_chat.tag_format.nation. # {nationtagoverride} - Displays the formated nation tag (if a member of a nation and present) or falls back to the full name (using modify_chat.tag_format.nation). # {townytag} - Displays the formated town/nation tag as specified in modify_chat.tag_format.both. # {townyformatted} - Displays the formated full town/nation names as specified in modify_chat.tag_format.both. # {townytagoverride} - Displays the formated town/nation tag (if present) or falls back to the full names (using modify_chat.tag_format.both). # {title} - Towny resident Title # {surname} - Towny resident surname # {townynameprefix} - Towny name prefix taken from the townLevel/nationLevels # {townynamepostfix} - Towny name postfix taken from the townLevel/nationLevels. # {townyprefix} - Towny resident title, or townynameprefix if no title exists # {townypostfix} - Towny resident surname, or townynamepostfix if no surname exists # {townycolor} - Towny name colour for king/mayor/resident # {group} - Players group name pulled from your permissions plugin # {permprefix} - Permission group prefix # {permsuffix} - Permission group suffix. # {playername} - Default player name. # {modplayername} - Modified player name (use if Towny is over writing some other plugins changes). # {msg} - The message sent. # {channelTag} - Defined in the channels entry in Channels.yml # {msgcolour} - Defined in the channels entry in Channels.yml # Text colouring # -------------- # Black = &0, Navy = &1, Green = &2, Blue = &3, Red = &4 # Purple = &5, Gold = &6, LightGray = &7, Gray = &8 # DarkPurple = &9, LightGreen = &a, LightBlue = &b # Rose = &c, LightPurple = &d, Yellow = &e, White = &f # Spam_time set the minimum time between messages to be flagged as spam spam_time: 0.5 # If using our updated HeroicDeath.jar and craftIRC 3.1 (dev), you can #configure what IRC channels you want death messages relayed to. HeroicDeathToIRC: enabled: true # comma delimited list of craftIRC channel tags 'admin,blah,blah'. craftIRCTags: 'admin' channel_formats: # This is the format which will be used for GLOBAL chat/channels. # This is also the format used when you have modify_chat.enable: true, but use other plugins to handle chat. town: '{channelTag}{townyprefix}{modplayername}{townypostfix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' nation: '{channelTag}{townyprefix}{modplayername}{townypostfix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' default: '{permprefix}{modplayername}{permsuffix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' help: '{channelTag}{permprefix}{modplayername}{permsuffix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' event: '{channelTag}{permprefix}{modplayername}{permsuffix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' tag_formats: world: '&f[&f%s&f] ' town: '&f[&3%s&f] ' nation: '&f[&e%s&f] ' # First %s is the nation tag, second is the town tag. both: '&f[&6%s&f|&3%s&f] ' # Chat colours colour: king: '' mayor: '' resident: '' modify_chat: # This is used for when you don't have another plugin to format chat. # or you want some other plugin to handle open chat, but want Towny formatting. # It will cause Towny to overwrite any other plugins alterations to the format. enable: 'true' # If true the chat formats will be read from below to allow per world formatting. # These can then be altered individually. per_world: 'false' worlds: 'craftedlife_the_end': town: '{channelTag}{townyprefix}{modplayername}{townypostfix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' nation: '{channelTag}{townyprefix}{modplayername}{townypostfix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' default: '{permprefix}{modplayername}{permsuffix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' help: '{channelTag}{permprefix}{modplayername}{permsuffix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' event: '{channelTag}{permprefix}{modplayername}{permsuffix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' 'craftedlife': town: '{channelTag}{townyprefix}{modplayername}{townypostfix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' nation: '{channelTag}{townyprefix}{modplayername}{townypostfix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' default: '{permprefix}{modplayername}{permsuffix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' help: '{channelTag}{permprefix}{modplayername}{permsuffix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' event: '{channelTag}{permprefix}{modplayername}{permsuffix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' 'craftedlife_nether': town: '{channelTag}{townyprefix}{modplayername}{townypostfix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' nation: '{channelTag}{townyprefix}{modplayername}{townypostfix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' default: '{permprefix}{modplayername}{permsuffix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' help: '{channelTag}{permprefix}{modplayername}{permsuffix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' event: '{channelTag}{permprefix}{modplayername}{permsuffix}&7: {msgcolour}{msg}' Channels.yml: # This file contains all configuration data for channels # The formating for them remains in the Towny Config and world files # so they can still be used on a per world basis. # Channels are toggleable using any of the commands listed # eg. /tc (would put you in town chat) # doing it again would take you out # So long as you had the permission node for that channel. # The channel type is either GLOBAL, TOWN, NATION or DEFAULT. # These specify what chat formating section they will use # and where the chat will go # (town goes to all town residents, depending on the range setting) # channeltag is applied if the chat format for that channel has the {channelTag} # messagecolour sets the colour of the message when sent. # range is a setting which allows greater control over each channel. # this will set the maximum distance between players who can hear the message. # range is in blocks (if set to a limit). # # -1 = no limits # 0 = same world only # any positive value = limited range in the same world. # Text colouring # -------------- # Black = &0, Navy = &1, Green = &2, Blue = &3, Red = &4 # Purple = &5, Gold = &6, LightGray = &7, Gray = &8 # DarkPurple = &9, LightGreen = &a, LightBlue = &b # Rose = &c, LightPurple = &d, Yellow = &e, White = &f Channels: help: commands: [h] type: GLOBAL channeltag: '&f[&cAiuto&f]' messagecolour: '&c' permission: 'towny.chat.help' craftIRCTag: 'admin' range: '-1' town: commands: [c] type: TOWN channeltag: '&f[&2Città&f]' messagecolour: '&2' permission: 'towny.chat.town' craftIRCTag: 'admin' range: '-1' nation: commands: [n] type: NATION channeltag: '&f[&3Nazione&f]' messagecolour: '&3' permission: 'towny.chat.nation' craftIRCTag: 'admin' range: '-1' default: commands: [d] type: DEFAULT channeltag: '' messagecolour: '&f' permission: 'towny.chat.default' craftIRCTag: 'admin' range: '-1' event: commands: [e] type: GLOBAL channeltag: '&f[&aEvento&f]' messagecolour: '&a' permission: 'towny.chat.event' craftIRCTag: 'admin' range: '-1' Il problema sta proprio nel towny 0.8 se trovi una versione prima o dopo è meglio ;) Tutto sta nella towny chat è indispensabile? prova a levarla e farlo partire :) Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti
Xriuk 139 Inviato Ottobre 29, 2012 Il problema sta proprio nel towny 0.8 se trovi una versione prima o dopo è meglio ;) Tutto sta nella towny chat è indispensabile? prova a levarla e farlo partire :) Lo hanno appena aggiornato, provo a scaricarlo... Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti
ƧКƦƔԼԼЄƦՇՐƛƑƬ 519 Inviato Ottobre 29, 2012 Lo hanno appena aggiornato, provo a scaricarlo... ottimo che fortuna xD poi dimmi se va ;) Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti
Xriuk 139 Inviato Ottobre 29, 2012 ottimo che fortuna xD poi dimmi se va ;) Ce l'ho fatta!!! Quel FOTTUTO creatore!!! Ha scritto le configurazioni da fare schifo!!! Le ho fatte correggere online tipo 3000 volte, ma ora funziona!!! EDIT: ho anche scoperto che NESSUN plugin in NESSUNA configurazione accetta i seguenti caratteri: è, é, ò, à, ù, e altri simili. ecco spiegato il problema di tutti questi bug! Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti
Xriuk 139 Inviato Ottobre 29, 2012 ottimo che fortuna xD poi dimmi se va ;) Aiuto!!! Ora mi da altri errori: 2012-10-29 18:17:16 [sEVERE] Could not pass event AsyncPlayerChatEvent to TownyChat org.bukkit.event.EventException at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$1.execute(JavaPluginLoader.java:341) at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:62) at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:477) at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:459) at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.chat(NetServerHandler.java:831) at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:808) at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.handle(Packet3Chat.java:44) at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.i(NetworkManager.java:211) at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.c(NetworkManager.java:332) at net.minecraft.server.NetworkReaderThread.run(SourceFile:93) Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at com.palmergames.bukkit.TownyChat.listener.TownyChatPlayerListener.onPlayerChat(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:601) at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$1.execute(JavaPluginLoader.java:339) ... 9 more Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti
xmail 350 Inviato Ottobre 29, 2012 Ce l'ho fatta!!! Quel FOTTUTO creatore!!! Ha scritto le configurazioni da fare schifo!!! Le ho fatte correggere online tipo 3000 volte, ma ora funziona!!! EDIT: ho anche scoperto che NESSUN plugin in NESSUNA configurazione accetta i seguenti caratteri: è, é, ò, à, ù, e altri simili. ecco spiegato il problema di tutti questi bug! Dai manca poco!!! Raccontaci tutto, cosa ti manca??? E le caratteristiche del server quali saranno? Sopratutto dicci qualcosa in più sul launcher!! (scusa le tante domande, ma verrà un server epico,secondo me!!!) Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti
Xriuk 139 Inviato Ottobre 29, 2012 Dai manca poco!!! Raccontaci tutto, cosa ti manca??? E le caratteristiche del server quali saranno? Sopratutto dicci qualcosa in più sul launcher!! (scusa le tante domande, ma verrà un server epico,secondo me!!!) Ho diversi problemi come puoi dedurre LEGGENDO sopra. Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti