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[Mod] Forestry For Minecraft (V1.6.4 Per Mc 1.4.6)
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Forestry for Minecraft
HELLO EVERYONE, this is direwolf20!
Forestry for Minecraft è una mod che introduce un sistema di automatizzazione per varie coltivazioni, semplificando le operazioni a tal punto che possiamo anche sederci e guardare i nostri alberi crescere e venire tagliati davanti ai nostri occhi.
Il creatore e ideatore di questa mod è SirSengir. Di seguito la sua introduzione e motivazione:
If there is one task in Minecraft I loathe, it is farming trees. Using BuildCraft I found myself building quite a few tree farms to get enough charcoal for my steam engines. And even with TehKrush's "Timber!" I found myself bored with farming trees. However I did not find a way to truly automate tree farming. So I looked at a few modding tutorials and built my own tree farm equipment. The result is this mod. I hope a few people might find some use for it. And who does not love a good production chain with BuildCraft pipes.
The goal of this mod is to automate tree farming as much as possible without becoming entirely overpowered. Full automation can currently only be achieved if the mod is used in conjunction with BuildCraft.
In Forestry sono presenti dei macchinari, dei quali ognuno ha il proprio funzionamento e necessità per svolgere il suo lavoro. I macchinari presenti sono:
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