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Dye - Fantasy - Official Video

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Si, lo so forse non dovrei metterlo ma...

Ah, no.... non è porno u.u

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Non ha significato, semplice XD

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  Il 12/01/2013 at 14:11, Edgarcher dice:

Già visto qualche mese fa postato da Age Of Memes.


Comunque avevo letto una teoria interessante sul significato del video

te la ricordi?

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  Il 12/01/2013 at 14:18, Edgarcher dice:

Qualcosa tipo sul fatto che la gente diventi un "mostro" quando non è più pura,e la ragazza ha paura di questo e quindi scappa

per pura ho capito cosa intendi asd?

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  Il 12/01/2013 at 14:21, Edgarcher dice:

Non trovavo altri modi per dirlo,comunque se stai pensando male è quel che intendo

è stato detto in un modo particolare, ma potrebbe essere :asd:

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E ogni volta che lo vedo mi viene un orgasmo mentale.

E soprattutto come dico sempre...

Fa molto Lovecraft.

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Piccola interpretazione trovata su internet:

They sneak inside, one girl being insecure, as is her counterpart.

One of the couples then place themselves in one end of the pool and starts to "grow up to become adult".

The other couple is talking, and the guy approaches to kiss (=grow up), but the girl wants to keep her childhood and jumps into the water to keep it.

Then adulthood enters without her consent. She gets out of the water and the guy rushes up to see if she's OK.

Here's where it gets "freaky" according to the majority.

The other couple shows up as monsters (=they've horribly grown up to become adults), and starts to attack them.

The girl runs away quick enough, as she is desperate to stay young. The boy however, is eaten (=becomes and adult the painful way).

The girl tries again and again to escape adulthood, but ends up diving into the pool. She takes a leap through the portal and into the world of adulthood.

She who wanted to be a child.

She then sees what she's become, and what she has entered, and then her eyes bursts into flames (=tears).

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