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Internal Server Error

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HELP! a molti utenti, viene questo errore e non li fa entrare nel mio server. cosa devo fare?

Errore : 03.03 22:42:25 [Server] INFO java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
03.03 22:42:25 [Server] WARNING Failed to handle packet for xandi17 [/]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
03.03 22:42:25 [Server] INFO Disconnecting xandi17 [/]: Internal server error

E' un server bukkit!

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I pl che uso sono : AuthMe, Announcer, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, ModifyWorld, ClearLag, Essentials, AntiCheat, NoCheatPlus, CreativeGates, EndlessEnchant, Lockette, PermissionsEx,Valut, SupplySigns...

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